sikadeer {Distance}R Documentation

Sika deer pellet data from southern Scotland


Because sika deer spend most of their time in woodland areas, abundance estimates are based on pellet group counts. Line transect methods were applied to estimate deer pellet group density by geographic block.


A data.frame with 1923 rows and 11 variables.


Data presented here are from the Peebleshire portion of the study described by Marques et al. (2001).


Marques, F.F.C., S.T. Buckland, D. Goffin, C.E. Dixon, D.L. Borchers, B.A. Mayle, and A.J. Peace. (2001). Estimating deer abundance from line transect surveys of dung: sika deer in southern Scotland. Journal of Applied Ecology 38 (2): 349–363. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2664.2001.00584.x

[Package Distance version 1.0.9 Index]