Statistical Depth Functions for Multivariate Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘DepthProc’ version 2.1.5

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abline-method Add line to plot
as.matrix as.matrix method for DepthCurveList.
as.matrix-method as.matrix method for DepthCurveList.
asymmetryCurve Asymmetry curve based on depths
AsymmetryCurve-class AsymmetryCurve and AsymmetryCurveList
BinnDepth2d-class BinnDepth2d
binningDepth2D 2d Binning
combineDepthCurves Adds plots
combineDepthCurves-method Adds plots
CovDepthWeighted-class CovLP
CovLP CovLp
cracow.airpollution Air pollution with PM10 in Cracow within day and night in December 2016
ddMvnorm Normal depth versus depth plot
ddmvnorm Normal depth versus depth plot
ddPlot Depth versus depth plot
DDPlot-class DDPlot
deepReg2d Simple deepest regression method.
DeepReg2d-class DeepReg2d
depth Depth calculation
Depth-class Depth
depthContour Approximate depth contours
DepthCurve-class DepthCurve
DepthCurveList-class DepthCurveList
depthDensity Depth weighted density estimator
DepthDensity-class DepthDensity
depthEuclid Euclidean Depth
depthLocal Local depth
depthLP LP Depth
depthMah Mahalanobis Depth
depthMedian Depth median
depthMedian-method Depth median
depthPersp Perspective plot for depth functions
depthProjection Projection Depth
depthTukey Tukey Depth
fncBoxPlot Functional boxplot based on Modified Band Depth
fncDepth Basic function for functional depths
fncDepth.matrix Basic function for functional depths
fncDepth.zoo Basic function for functional depths
fncDepthFM FM Depth
fncDepthMBD Modified band depth
fncDepthMedian Functional median
fncGetBand Functional bands
france Relation between minimum wage (MW) and unemployment rate (UR) in France.
FunctionalDepth-class Functional Depth
getPlot Create ggplot object from DepthCurve, DepthCurveList and DDPlot classes.
getPlot-method Create ggplot object from DepthCurve, DepthCurveList and DDPlot classes.
inf.mort Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births
internet.users Internet view data
katowice.airpollution Air pollution in Katowice city by hour.
lsdAddContour Adds location scale depth contour to the existing plot.
lsdAddContour-method Adds location scale depth contour to the existing plot.
LSDepth-class Location-Scale depth class
LSDepthContour-class Location-Scale depth contour class
lsdGetContour Get location-scale contour from LSDepthContour object.
lsdGetContour-method Get location-scale contour from LSDepthContour object.
lsdSampleDepthContours Calculate sample Mizera and Muller Student depth contours
lsdSampleMaxDepth Calculates the maximum sample location-scale depth
maesles.imm Children 1 year old immunized against measles, percentage
mWilcoxonTest Multivariate Wilcoxon test for equality of dispersion.
plot Method for plotting DepthCurve and DDPlot object.
plot-method 2d Binning plot
plot-method Plot function for DepthDensity.
plot-method Plot Location-Scale depth contours.
plot-method Method for plotting DepthCurve and DDPlot object.
RobReg-class RobReg
runifsphere Random number generation from unit sphere.
scaleCurve Scale curve
ScaleCurve-class ScaleCurve and ScaleCurveList
trimProjReg2d trimProjReg2d
TrimReg2d-class TrimReg2d
under5.mort Children under 5 months mortality rate per 1,000 live births
USLABOUR US Labour dataset