ScaleCurve-class {DepthProc}R Documentation

ScaleCurve and ScaleCurveList


ScaleCurve is a class that stores results of scaleCurve function.


ScaleCurve intherits behviour from numeric vector, so raw values of ScaleCurve can be accessed via as.numeric(...).

The mechanism of creating plots with multiple curves is shown in DepthCurve-class (same mechanism is applied for AsymmetryCurve).


x <- mvrnorm(n = 100, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = 2 * diag(2))
y <- rmvt(n = 100, sigma = diag(2), df = 4)
s1 <- scaleCurve(x, depth_params = list(method = "Projection"))
s2 <- scaleCurve(y, depth_params = list(method = "Projection"), name = "Set2")

sc_list <- combineDepthCurves(s1, s2) # Add one curve to another

plot(sc_list) # Draw plot with two curves

z <- mvrnorm(n = 100, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = 1 * diag(2))
s3 <- scaleCurve(z, depth_params = list(method = "Projection"))
plot(combineDepthCurves(sc_list, s3)) # Add third curve and draw a plot

[Package DepthProc version 2.1.5 Index]