A Partial Clustering Algorithm

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Documentation for package ‘CrossClustering’ version 4.1.2

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ari Computes the adjusted Rand index and the confidence interval, comparing two classifications from a contingency table.
cc_crossclustering A partial clustering algorithm with automatic estimation of the number of clusters and identification of outliers
cc_get_cluster Provides the vector of clusters' ID to which each element belong to.
cc_get_cluster.crossclustering Provides the vector of clusters' ID to which each element belong to.
cc_get_cluster.default Provides the vector of clusters' ID to which each element belong to.
cc_test_ari A test for testing the null hypothesis of random agreement (i.e., adjusted Rand Index equal to 0) between two partitions.
cc_test_ari_permutation A permutation test for testing the null hypothesis of random agreement (i.e., adjusted Rand Index equal to 0) between two partitions.
chain_effect A toy dataset for illustrating the chain effect.
consensus_cluster Get clusters which reach max consensus
is_zero Check for zero
nb_data RNA-Seq dataset example
print.ari Computes the adjusted Rand index and the confidence interval, comparing two classifications from a contingency table.
print.crossclustering A partial clustering algorithm with automatic estimation of the number of clusters and identification of outliers
prune_zero_tail Prune tail made of zeros
reverse_table Reverse the process of create a contingency table
toy A toy example matrix
twomoons A famous shape data set containing two clusters with two moons shapes and outliers
worms A famous shape data set containing two clusters with two worms shapes and outliers