Important Concepts of Cooperative Game Theory

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Documentation for package ‘CoopGame’ version 0.2.2

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-- A --

absoluteHollerValue Compute absolute Public Good value
absolutePublicGoodValue Compute absolute Public Good value
absolutePublicHelpChiValue Compute absolute Public Help value Chi
absolutePublicHelpThetaValue Compute absolute Public Help value Theta
absolutePublicHelpValue Compute absolute Public Help value Theta
absolutePublicHelpValueChi Compute absolute Public Help value Chi
absolutePublicHelpValueTheta Compute absolute Public Help value Theta
absolutePublicHelpValueXi Compute absolute Public Help value Chi
absolutePublicHelpXiValue Compute absolute Public Help value Chi
apexGame Construct an apex game
apexGameValue Compute value of a coalition for an apex game
apexGameVector Compute game vector for an apex game

-- B --

bankruptcyGame Construct a bankruptcy game
bankruptcyGameValue Compute value of a coalition for a bankruptcy game
bankruptcyGameVector Compute game vector for a bankruptcy game
banzhafValue Compute Banzhaf value
baruaChakravartySarkarIndex Compute Barua Chakravarty Sarkar index
belongsToCore Check if point is core element
belongsToCoreCover Check if point is core cover element
belongsToImputationset Check if point is imputation
belongsToReasonableSet Check if point is element of reasonable set
belongsToWeberset Check if point is element of Weber Set

-- C --

cardinalityGame Construct a cardinality game
cardinalityGameValue Compute value of a coalition for a cardinality game
cardinalityGameVector Compute game vector for a cardinality game
centroidCore Compute centroid of core
centroidCoreCover Compute centroid of the core cover
centroidImputationSet Compute centroid of the imputation set
centroidReasonableSet Compute centroid of reasonable set
centroidWeberSet Compute centroid of Weber set
colemanCollectivityPowerIndex Compute Coleman Power index of a Collectivity to Act
colemanInitiativePowerIndex Compute Coleman Initiative Power index
colemanPreventivePowerIndex Compute Coleman Preventive Power index
coreCoverVertices Compute core cover vertices
coreVertices Compute core vertices
costSharingGame Construct a cost sharing game
costSharingGameValue Compute value of a coalition for a cost game
costSharingGameVector Compute game vector for a cost sharing game
createBitMatrix create bit matrix

-- D --

deeganPackelIndex Compute Deegan-Packel index
dictatorGame Construct a dictator game
dictatorGameValue Compute value of a coalition for a dictator game
dictatorGameVector Compute game vector for a dictator game
disruptionNucleolus Compute disruption nucleolus
divideTheDollarGame Construct a divide-the-dollar game
divideTheDollarGameValue Compute value of a coalition for a divide-the-dollar game
divideTheDollarGameVector Compute game vector for a divide-the-dollar game
drawCentroidCore draw centroid of the core for 3 or 4 players
drawCentroidCoreCover draw centroid of core cover for 3 or 4 players
drawCentroidImputationSet draw centroid of imputation set for 3 or 4 players
drawCentroidReasonableSet draw centroid of reasonable set for 3 or 4 players
drawCentroidWeberSet draw centroid of Weber set for 3 or 4 players
drawCore Draw core for 3 or 4 players
drawCoreCover Draw core cover for 3 or 4 players
drawDeeganPackelIndex draw Deegan-Packel index for 3 or 4 players
drawDisruptionNucleolus draw disruption nucleolus for 3 or 4 players
drawGatelyValue draw Gately point for 3 or 4 players
drawImputationSet Draw imputation set for 3 or 4 players
drawImputationset Draw imputation set for 3 or 4 players
drawJohnstonIndex Draw Johnston index for 3 or 4 players
drawModiclus Draw modiclus for 3 or 4 players
drawNormalizedBanzhafIndex draw normalized Banzhaf Index for 3 or 4 players
drawNormalizedBanzhafValue draw normalized Banzhaf value for 3 or 4 players
drawNucleolus Draw nucleolus for 3 or 4 players
drawPerCapitaNucleolus Draw per capita nucleolus for 3 or 4 players
drawPrenucleolus Draw prenucleolus for 3 or 4 players
drawProportionalNucleolus Draw proportional nucleolus for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicGoodIndex Draw Public Good index for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicGoodValue Draw Public Good value for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicHelpChiIndex Draw Public Help index Chi for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicHelpChiValue Draw Public Help value Chi for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicHelpIndex Draw Public Help index Theta for 3 or 4 players
drawPublicHelpValue Draw Public Help value Theta for 3 or 4 players
drawReasonableSet Draw reasonable set for 3 or 4 players
drawShapleyShubikIndex Draw Shapley-Shubik index for 3 or 4 players
drawShapleyValue Draw Shapley value for 3 or 4 players
drawSimplifiedModiclus Draw simplified modiclus for 3 or 4 players
drawTauValue Draw tau-value for 3 or 4 players
drawTijsValue Draw tau-value for 3 or 4 players
drawWeberset Draw Weber Set for 3 or 4 players

-- E --

equalPropensityToDisrupt Compute equal propensity to disrupt

-- G --

gatelyPoint Compute Gately point
gatelyValue Compute Gately point
getCriticalCoalitionsOfPlayer Compute critical coalitions of a player for simple games
getDualGameVector Compute dual game vector
getEmptyParamCheckResult getEmptyParamCheckResult for generating stucture according to parameter check results
getExcessCoefficients Compute excess coefficients
getGainingCoalitions Compute gaining coalitions of a TU game
getGapFunctionCoefficients Compute gap function coefficients
getHarsanyiDividends Compute unanimity coefficients of game
getkCover Compute k-cover of game
getMarginalContributions Compute marginal contributions
getMinimalRights Compute minimal rights vector
getMinimalRightsVector Compute minimal rights vector
getMinimalWinningCoalitions Compute minimal winning coalitions in a simple game
getMinimumWinningCoalitions Compute minimal winning coalitions in a simple game
getNumberOfPlayers Get number of players
getPerCapitaExcessCoefficients Compute per capita excess coefficients
getPlayersFromBitVector Extract players from bit vector
getPlayersFromBMRow Extract players from bit matrix row
getRealGainingCoalitions Compute real gaining coalitions of game
getUnanimityCoefficients Compute unanimity coefficients of game
getUtopiaPayoff Compute utopia payoff vector of game
getUtopiaPayoffVector Compute utopia payoff vector of game
getVectorOfPropensitiesToDisrupt Compute vector of propensities to disrupt
getWinningCoalitions Compute winning coalitions in a simple game
getZeroNormalizedGameVector Compute 0-normalized game vector
getZeroOneNormalizedGameVector Compute 0-1-normalized game vector
gloveGame Construct a glove game
gloveGameValue Compute value of a coalition for a glove game
gloveGameVector Compute game vector for glove game

-- H --

hollerIndex Compute Public Good index
hollerValue Compute (normalized) Public Good value

-- I --

imputationSetVertices Compute vertices of imputation set
imputationsetVertices Compute vertices of imputation set
is1ConvexGame Check if game is 1-Convex
isAdditiveGame Check if game is additive
isBalancedGame Check if game is balanced
isConstantSumGame Check if game is constant-sum
isConstantsumGame Check if game is constant-sum
isConvexGame Check if game is convex
isDegenerateGame Check if game is degenerate
isEssentialGame Check if game is essential
isInEssentialGame Check if game is degenerate
isInessentialGame Check if game is degenerate
iskConvexGame Check if game is k-Convex
isMonotonicGame Check if game is monotonic
isNonnegativeGame Check if game is nonnegative
isQuasiBalancedGame Check if game is quasi-balanced
isSemiConvexGame Check if game is semiconvex
isSimpleGame Check if game is simple
isSuperAdditiveGame Check if game is superadditive
isSuperadditiveGame Check if game is superadditive
isSymmetricGame Check if game is symmetric
isWeaklyConstantSumGame Check if game is weakly constant-sum
isWeaklyConstantsumGame Check if game is weakly constant-sum
isWeaklySuperAdditiveGame Check if game is weakly superadditive
isWeaklySuperadditiveGame Check if game is weakly superadditive
isZeroMonotonicGame Check if game is weakly superadditive

-- J --

johnstonIndex Compute Johnston index

-- K --

koenigBraeuningerIndex Compute Koenig-Braeuninger index

-- M --

majoritySingleVetoGame Construct a weighted majority game with a single veto player
majoritySingleVetoGameValue Compute value of a coalition for a weighted majority game with a single veto player
majoritySingleVetoGameVector Compute game vector for a weighted majority game with a single veto player
modiclus Compute modiclus

-- N --

nevisonIndex Compute Nevison index
nonNormalizedBanzhafIndex Compute non-normalized Banzhaf index
nonNormalizedBanzhafValue Compute Banzhaf value
normalizedBanzhafIndex Compute normalized Banzhaf index
normalizedBanzhafValue Compute normalized Banzhaf value
nucleolus Compute nucleolus

-- P --

perCapitaNucleolus Compute per capita nucleolus
Prenucleolus Compute prenucleolus
prenucleolus Compute prenucleolus
propensityToDisrupt Compute propensity to disrupt
proportionalNucleolus Compute proportional nucleolus
publicGoodIndex Compute Public Good index
publicGoodValue Compute (normalized) Public Good value
publicHelpChiIndex Compute Public Help index Chi
publicHelpChiValue Compute (normalized) Public Help value Chi
publicHelpIndex Compute Public Help index Theta
publicHelpIndexChi Compute Public Help index Chi
publicHelpIndexTheta Compute Public Help index Theta
publicHelpIndexXi Compute Public Help index Chi
publicHelpThetaIndex Compute Public Help index Theta
publicHelpThetaValue Compute Public Help value Theta
publicHelpValue Compute Public Help value Theta
publicHelpValueChi Compute (normalized) Public Help value Chi
publicHelpValueTheta Compute Public Help value Theta
publicHelpValueXi Compute (normalized) Public Help value Chi
publicHelpXiIndex Compute Public Help index Chi
publicHelpXiValue Compute (normalized) Public Help value Chi

-- Q --

quotaGame Construct a weighted voting game
quotaGameValue Compute value of a coalition for a weighted voting game
quotaGameVector Compute game vector for a weighted voting game (aka quota game)

-- R --

raeIndex Compute Rae index
rawBanzhafIndex Compute raw Banzhaf Index
rawBanzhafValue Compute raw Banzhaf Value
reasonableSetVertices Compute vertices of reasonable set

-- S --

shapleyShubikIndex Compute Shapley-Shubik index
shapleyValue Compute Shapley value
simplifiedModiclus Compute simplified modiclus
stopOnInconsistentEstateAndClaimsVector Parameter Function stopOnInconsistentEstateAndClaimsVector
stopOnInvalidAllocation Parameter Function stopOnInvalidAllocation
stopOnInvalidBoolean Parameter Function stopOnInvalidBoolean
stopOnInvalidClaimsVector Parameter Function stopOnInvalidClaimsVector
stopOnInvalidCoalitionS Parameter Function stopOnInvalidCoalitionS
stopOnInvalidDictator Parameter Function stopOnInvalidDictator
stopOnInvalidEstate Parameter Function stopOnInvalidEstate
stopOnInvalidGameVector Parameter Function stopOnInvalidGameVector
stopOnInvalidGrandCoalitionN Parameter Function stopOnInvalidGrandCoalitionN
stopOnInvalidIndex Parameter Function stopOnInvalidIndex
stopOnInvalidLeftRightGloveGame Parameter Function stopOnInvalidLeftRightGloveGame
stopOnInvalidNChooseB Parameter Function stopOnInvalidNChooseB
stopOnInvalidNumber Parameter Function stopOnInvalidNumber
stopOnInvalidNumberOfPlayers Parameter Function stopOnInvalidNumberOfPlayers
stopOnInvalidQuota Parameter Function stopOnInvalidQuota
stopOnInvalidVetoPlayer Parameter Function stopOnInvalidVetoPlayer
stopOnInvalidWeightVector Parameter Function stopOnInvalidWeightVector
stopOnParamCheckError stopOnParamCheckError - stop and create error message on error

-- T --

tauValue Compute tau-value
tijsValue Compute tau-value

-- U --

unanimityGame Construct a unanimity game
unanimityGameValue Compute value of a coalition for a unanimity game
unanimityGameVector Compute game vector for a unanimity game

-- W --

webersetVertices Compute vertices of Weber Set
weightedVotingGame Construct a weighted voting game
weightedVotingGameValue Compute value of a coalition for a weighted voting game
weightedVotingGameVector Compute game vector for a weighted voting game (aka quota game)