Analysis of R Code for Reproducible Research and Code Comprehension

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Documentation for package ‘CodeDepends’ version 0.6.6

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$-method The Script class and elements
addRemoveIntermediates Determine the code block after which a variable can be explicitly removed
AnnotatedScript-class The Script class and elements
applyhandlerfactory Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
assignfunhandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
assignhandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
asVarName asVarName
coerce-method The Script class and elements
coerce-method Compute and plot life cycle of variables in code
coerce-method Create a Script object that re-reads the original file as needed
colonshandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
counthandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
datahandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
defaultFuncHandlers Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
defhandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
dollarhandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
filterhandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
findWhenUnneeded Determine the code block after which a variable can be explicitly removed
forhandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
formulahandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
fullnsehandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
funchandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
functionhandlers Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
funshandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
getDependsThread Compute which code blocks in a script are inputs to define a variable
getDependsThread-method Compute which code blocks in a script are inputs to define a variable
getDetailedTimelines Compute and plot life cycle of variables in code
getExpressionThread Find the sequence of expressions needed to get to a certain point in the code
getInputs Get input and output variables and literals from R expressions
getInputs-method Get input and output variables and literals from R expressions
getInputs-method Create a Script object that re-reads the original file as needed
getPropagateChanges Determine which expressions to update when a variable changes
getSectionDepends Determine dependencies for code blocks
getVariableDepends Determine dependencies for code blocks
getVariables Get the names of the variables used in code
getVariables-method Get the names of the variables used in code
groupbyhandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
guessTaskType Guess the type of high-level task of a code block
highlightCode Display R code with highlighting of variables, links to functions and packages
historyAsScript Convert R interactive history to a Script object
inputCollector Create customized input/output collector for use in getInputs
libreqhandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
makeCallGraph Create a graph representing which functions call other functions
makeCallGraph-method Create a graph representing which functions call other functions
makeTaskGraph Create a graph connecting the tasks within a script
makeVariableGraph Create a graph describing the relationships between variables in a script
noophandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
nseafterfirst Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
nsehandlerfactory Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
nseonlyhandlerfactory Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
pipehandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
plot.DetailedVariableTimeline Compute and plot life cycle of variables in code
readAnnotatedScript Read the code blocks/chunks from a document
readScript Read the code blocks/chunks from a document
readScript-method Read the code blocks/chunks from a document
rmhandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
runUpToSection Evaluate the code blocks up to a particular section of a document
Script-class The Script class and elements
scriptInfo Get input and output variables and literals from R expressions
ScriptInfo-class The Script class and elements
ScriptNode-class The Script class and elements
ScriptNodeInfo-class The Script class and elements
separateExpressionBlocks Convert a script into individual top-level calls
sourceVariable Evaluate code in document in order to define the specified variables
splitRedefinitions Divide a script into separate lists of code based on redefinition of a variable
spreadhandler Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
summarize_handlerfactory Specifying custom processing behavior, Function handlers and handler factories
updatingScript Create a Script object that re-reads the original file as needed
[-method The Script class and elements