cohorts_coded |
Disease cohorts with coded identifiers |
data.combineData |
Combine datasets |
data.imputeData |
Impute missing values |
data.surrogateProfiles |
Generate surrogate profiles |
data.zscoreData |
Z-transform available data |
graph.connectToExt |
Connect a node to its unvisited "extended" neighbors |
graph.diffuseP1 |
Diffuse Probability P1 from a starting node |
graph.diffusionSnapShot |
Capture the current state of probability diffusion |
graph.naivePruning |
Network pruning for disease-specific network determination |
graph.netWalkSnapShot |
Capture the current location of a network walker |
Miller2015 |
Miller et al. (2015) |
mle.getEncodingLength |
Minimum encoding length |
mle.getMinPtDistance |
Get minimum patient distances |
mle.getPtBSbyK |
Generate patient-specific bitstrings |
mle.getPtDist |
CTDncd: A network-based distance metric. |
multiNode.getNodeRanks |
Generate multi-node node rankings ("adaptive" walk) |
singleNode.getNodeRanksN |
Generate single-node node rankings ("fixed" walk) |
stat.entropyFunction |
Entropy of a bit-string |
stat.fishersMethod |
Fisher's Combined P-value |
stat.getDirSim |
DirSim: The Jaccard distance with directionality incorporated. |
Thistlethwaite2020 |
Thistlethwaite et al. (2020) |
Wangler2017 |
Wangler et al. (2017) |