Econometrics of Network Data

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Documentation for package ‘CDatanet’ version 2.2.0

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CDatanet-package The CDatanet package
CDatanet The CDatanet package
cdnet Estimating count data models with social interactions under rational expectations using the NPL method Converting data between directed network models and symmetric network models.
homophily.fe Estimating network formation models with degree heterogeneity: the fixed effect approach Estimating network formation models with degree heterogeneity: the Bayesian random effect approach Creating objects for network models Creating objects for network models
peer.avg Computing peer averages
print.cdnet Summary for the estimation of count data models with social interactions under rational expectations
print.sar Summary for the estimation of linear-in-mean models with social interactions
print.sart Summary for the estimation of Tobit models with social interactions
print.simcdEy Printing the average expected outcomes for count data models with social interactions
print.summary.cdnet Summary for the estimation of count data models with social interactions under rational expectations
print.summary.sar Summary for the estimation of linear-in-mean models with social interactions
print.summary.sart Summary for the estimation of Tobit models with social interactions
print.summary.simcdEy Printing the average expected outcomes for count data models with social interactions
remove.ids Removing IDs with NA from Adjacency Matrices Optimally
sar Estimating linear-in-mean models with social interactions
sart Estimating Tobit models with social interactions
simcdEy Counterfactual analyses with count data models and social interactions
simcdnet Simulating count data models with social interactions under rational expectations
simnetwork Simulating network data
simsar Simulating data from linear-in-mean models with social interactions
simsart Simulating data from Tobit models with social interactions
summary.cdnet Summary for the estimation of count data models with social interactions under rational expectations
summary.sar Summary for the estimation of linear-in-mean models with social interactions
summary.sart Summary for the estimation of Tobit models with social interactions
summary.simcdEy Printing the average expected outcomes for count data models with social interactions Creating objects for network models