Boltzmann Machines with MM Algorithms

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Documentation for package ‘BoltzMM’ version 0.1.4

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BoltzMM-package BoltzMM: A package for probability computation, data generation, and model estimation of fully-visible Boltzmann machines.
allpfvbm Probability mass function of a fully-visible Boltzmann machine evaluated for all possible vectors.
BoltzMM BoltzMM: A package for probability computation, data generation, and model estimation of fully-visible Boltzmann machines.
fitfvbm Maximum pseudolikelihood estimation of a fully-visible Boltzmann machine.
fvbmcov Sandwich estimator of the covariance matrix for a fitted fully-visible Boltzmann machine.
fvbmHess Hessian of the log-pseudolikelihood function for a fitted fully-visible Boltzmann machine.
fvbmpartiald Partial derivatives of the log-pseudolikelihood function for a fitted fully-visible Boltzmann machine.
fvbmstderr Standard errors for the parameter elements of a fitted fully-visible Boltzmann machine.
fvbmtests Hypothesis testing for a fully-visible Boltzmann machine.
marginpfvbm Marginal probability function for a fully-visible Boltzmann machine.
pfvbm Probability mass function of a fully-visible Boltzmann machine evaluated for an individual vector.
rfvbm Random data generation from a fully-visible Boltzmann machine.
senate Senate voting data from the 45th Australian Parliament.