Bolstad Functions

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Documentation for package ‘Bolstad2’ version 1.0-29

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AidsSurvival.df HIV Survival data
BayesCPH Bayesian Cox Proportional Hazards Modelling
BayesLogistic Bayesian Logistic Regression
BayesPois Bayesian Pois Regression
bivnormMH Metropolis Hastings sampling from a Bivariate Normal distribution
c10ex16.df Chapter 10 Example 16 data
chd.df Coronary Heart Disease Chapter 8 Example 11
credInt Calculate a credible interval from a numerically specified posterior CDF or from a sample from the posterior
credIntNum Calculate a credible interval from a numerically specified posterior CDF
credIntSamp Calculate a credible interval from a numerically specified posterior CDF
describe Give simple descriptive statistics for a matrix or a data frame
ex16.df Chapter 10 Example 16 data
GelmanRubin Calculate the Gelman Rubin statistic
GR Calculate the Gelman Rubin statistic
hierMeanReg Hierarchical Normal Means Regression Model
hiermeanRegTest.df Test data for hiermeanReg
logisticTest.df Test data for bayesLogistic
normGibbs Draw a sample from a posterior distribution of data with an unknown mean and variance using Gibbs sampling
normMixMH Sample from a normal mixture model using Metropolis-Hastings
pNull Test a one sided hypothesis from a numerically specified posterior CDF or from a sample from the posterior
pnullNum Test a one sided hypothesis from a numerically specified posterior CDF
pnullSamp Test a one sided hypothesis using a sample from a posterior density
poissonTest.df A test data set for bayesPois
sintegral Numerical integration using Simpson's Rule
thin Thin an MCMC sample