poissonTest.df {Bolstad2}R Documentation

A test data set for bayesPois


A test data set for bayesPois. The data come from the equation \log(\lambda_{i}) = 1 + 5x_{i} + \epsilon_{i} where \epsilon_{i} comes from N(0,0.01).


A data frame with 100 observations on 5 variables.

[1,] x numeric the covariate
[2,] eps numeric the error in the log response
[3,] log.lam numeric \log(\lambda_{i}) = 1 + 5x_{i} + \epsilon_{i} where \epsilon_{i}
[4,] lam numeric \exp(\log(\lambda))
[5,] y numeric a Poisson random variate with mean \lambda_{i}

See Also


[Package Bolstad2 version 1.0-29 Index]