General Unified Threshold Model of Survival for Bees using Bayesian Inference

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Documentation for package ‘BeeGUTS’ version 1.1.3

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BeeGUTS-package 'BeeGUTS' package; a package to perform GUTS modelling for Bee experiments.
BeeGUTS 'BeeGUTS' package; a package to perform GUTS modelling for Bee experiments.
betacyfluthrinChronic Survival datasets for _Honey bees_ exposed to constant concentration of Betacyfluthrin for 10 days.
concAC Recalculate the concentrations for the acute contact tests for bees
concAO Recalculate concentration for the acute oral tests for bees
concCst Recalculate the concentrations for the chronic oral tests for bees from mg a.s./kg feed to mug/bee
criteriaCheck Computes PPC and NRMSE as defined in EFSA 2018
dataGUTS Read and format the data for the BeeGUTS model
fitBeeGUTS Fit a GUTS model for bees survival analysis using Bayesian Inference (stan)
fitBetacyfluthrin_Chronic Model calibration results datasets for _Honey bees_ exposed to constant concentration of Betacyfluthrin for 10 days.
LCx Predict the Lethal Concentration method at which x\% of organisms die for any specified time-point for a 'beeSurvFit' object
LCx.beeSurvFit Predict the Lethal Concentration at which x\% of organisms die for any specified time-point for a 'beeSurvFit' object
plot.beeSurvData Plotting method for 'beeSurvData' objects
plot.beeSurvFit Plotting method for 'beeSurvFit' objects
plot.beeSurvPred Plotting method for 'beeSurvPred' objects
plot.beeSurvValidation Plotting method for 'beeSurvValidation' objects
plot.ppc Plotting method for 'ppc' objects
ppc Generates an object to be used in posterior predictive check for 'beeSurvFit', 'beeSurvPred'
ppc.beeSurvFit Posterior predictive check method for 'beeSurvFit' objects
predict.beeSurvFit Predict method for 'beeSurvFit' objects
summary.beeSurvFit Summary of 'beeSurvFit' objects
summary.LCx Summary of 'LCx' objects
traceplot Plotting method for traces and densities for 'beeSurvFit' objects
traceplot.beeSurvFit Plotting method for traces and densities for 'beeSurvFit' objects
validate Validation method for 'beeSurvFit ' objects
validate.beeSurvFit Validate method for 'beeSurvFit' objects