BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend-package | The 'BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend' package. |
AdaptiveRandomisation | AdaptiveRandomisation |
alphaspending | alphaspending |
ARmethod | ARmethod |
BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend | The 'BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend' package. |
Boundaryconstruction | Boundaryconstruction |
conjuncativepower_or_FWER | conjuncativepower_or_FWER |
dataloginformd | Cutoff screening example: the details of grid |
demo_Cutoffscreening | demo_Cutoffscreening |
demo_Cutoffscreening.GP | A demo for cutoff screening using Bayesian optimisation |
demo_multscenario | demo_multscenario |
disconjunctivepowerfunc | disconjunctivepowerfunc |
GP.optim | GP.optim: optimiser to give the next cutoff for evaluation | | |
Initializetrialparameter | Initializetrialparameter |
intbias | intbias |
Meanfunc | Meanfunc | | |
Nfunc | Nfunc |
OPC_alt | Operation characteristic table for alternative scenario |
OPC_null | Operation characteristic table for null scenario |
OPC_Trial.simulation | Operation characteristic table for Trial.simulation() null scenario |
optimdata_asy | A list of data from Gaussian process and trial simulation for asymmetric cutoff screening. |
optimdata_sym | A list of data from Gaussian process for symmetric cutoff screening. |
OutputStats.initialising | OutputStats.initialising |
perHtypeIerror_marginalpowerfunc | perHtypeIerror_powerfunc |
predictedtpIEinformd | Cutoff screening example: the predicted value from quadratic model |
Randomisation.inf | Randomisation.inf |
recommandloginformd | Cutoff screening example: the recommended grid value at each time point |
resultrtostats | resultrtostats |
resultrtostats.rand | resultrtostats.rand |
resultstantoRfunc | resultstantoRfunc |
resultstantoRfunc.rand | resultstantoRfunc.rand |
Save.resulttoRDatafile | Save.resulttoRDatafile |
simulatetrial | simulatetrial |
Sperarmfunc | Sperarmfunc |
stan.logisticmodeltrans | stan.logisticmodeltrans |
Stopboundinf | Stopboundinf |
testing_and_armdropping | testing_and_armdropping | | |
Trial.simulation | Trial simulation |
trtbias | trtbias |
trteffect | trteffect |
varfunc | varfunc |