BayesSUR-package |
Fitting BayesSUR models |
BayesSUR |
Fitting BayesSUR models |
BayesSUR_internal |
BayesSUR_internal |
coef.BayesSUR |
coef method for class 'BayesSUR' |
elpd |
expected log pointwise predictive density |
exampleEQTL |
Simulated data set to mimic a small expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) example |
exampleGDSC |
Preprocessed data set to mimic a small pharmacogenomic example |
fitted.BayesSUR |
get fitted responses |
getEstimator |
extract the posterior mean of parameters |
plot.BayesSUR |
create a selection of plots |
plotCPO |
plot conditional predictive ordinate |
plotEstimator |
plot heatmap of estimators |
plotGraph |
plot graph for response variables |
plotManhattan |
plot Manhattan-like plots |
plotMCMCdiag |
plot MCMC diagnostic plots |
plotNetwork |
plot network representation of the associations between responses and predictors |
predict.BayesSUR |
predict method for class 'BayesSUR' |
print.BayesSUR |
print method for class 'BayesSUR' |
summary.BayesSUR |
summary method for class 'BayesSUR' |
targetGene |
targetGene |