Bayesian Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models in High-Dimensional Settings

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Documentation for package ‘BayesSUR’ version 2.2-1

Help Pages

BayesSUR-package Fitting BayesSUR models
BayesSUR Fitting BayesSUR models
BayesSUR_internal BayesSUR_internal
coef.BayesSUR coef method for class 'BayesSUR'
elpd expected log pointwise predictive density
exampleEQTL Simulated data set to mimic a small expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) example
exampleGDSC Preprocessed data set to mimic a small pharmacogenomic example
fitted.BayesSUR get fitted responses
getEstimator extract the posterior mean of parameters
plot.BayesSUR create a selection of plots
plotCPO plot conditional predictive ordinate
plotEstimator plot heatmap of estimators
plotGraph plot graph for response variables
plotManhattan plot Manhattan-like plots
plotMCMCdiag plot MCMC diagnostic plots
plotNetwork plot network representation of the associations between responses and predictors
predict.BayesSUR predict method for class 'BayesSUR'
print.BayesSUR print method for class 'BayesSUR'
summary.BayesSUR summary method for class 'BayesSUR'
targetGene targetGene