Bayesian Analysis of Non-Stationary Gaussian Process Models

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Documentation for package ‘BayesNSGP’ version 0.1.2

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calcQF Calculate the Gaussian quadratic form for the NNGP approximation
calculateAD_ns Calculate A and D matrices for the NNGP approximation
calculateU_ns Calculate the (sparse) matrix U
conditionLatentObs Assign conditioning sets for the SGV approximation
determineNeighbors Determine the k-nearest neighbors for each spatial coordinate.
dmnorm_nngp Function for the evaluating the NNGP approximate density.
dmnorm_sgv Function for the evaluating the SGV approximate density.
inverseEigen Calculate covariance elements based on eigendecomposition components
matern_corr Calculate a stationary Matern correlation matrix
nimble_sparse_chol nimble_sparse_chol
nimble_sparse_crossprod nimble_sparse_crossprod
nimble_sparse_solve nimble_sparse_solve
nimble_sparse_tcrossprod nimble_sparse_tcrossprod
nsCorr Calculate a nonstationary Matern correlation matrix
nsCrosscorr Calculate a nonstationary Matern cross-correlation matrix
nsCrossdist Calculate coordinate-specific cross-distance matrices
nsCrossdist3d Calculate coordinate-specific cross-distance matrices, only for nearest neighbors and store in an array
nsDist Calculate coordinate-specific distance matrices
nsDist3d Calculate coordinate-specific distance matrices, only for nearest neighbors and store in an array
nsgpModel NIMBLE code for a generic nonstationary GP model
nsgpPredict Posterior prediction for the NSGP
orderCoordinatesMMD Order coordinates according to a maximum-minimum distance criterion.
rmnorm_nngp Function for the evaluating the NNGP approximate density.
rmnorm_sgv Function for the evaluating the SGV approximate density.
R_sparse_chol R_sparse_chol
R_sparse_crossprod nimble_sparse_crossprod
R_sparse_solve nimble_sparse_solve
R_sparse_tcrossprod nimble_sparse_tcrossprod
sgvSetup One-time setup wrapper function for the SGV approximation