Bayesian Model for CACE Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘BayesCACE’ version 1.2.3

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cace.meta.c Bayesian hierarchical models for CACE meta-analysis with complete compliance data
cace.meta.ic Bayesian hierarchical models for CACE meta-analysis with incomplete compliance information CACE analysis for a single study, or a two-step approach for meta-analysis with complete complice information
coda.names Get names of node array
coda.samples.dic Generate posterior samples in mcmc.list format
epidural_c Meta-analysis data with full compliance information
epidural_ic Meta-analysis data without full compliance information
model.meta.c Bayesian hierarchical model code for CACE meta-analysis with complete compliance data
model.meta.ic Bayesian hierarchical model code for CACE meta-analysis with complete compliance data Model code of CACE analysis for a single study, or a two-step approach for meta-analysis with complete complice information
parse.varname Parse strings of specific form
plt.acf this plot function creates an acf plot
plt.density this plot function creates a density plot
plt.forest this plot function makes a forest plot.
plt.noncomp Plotting noncompliance rates for a given dataset
plt.trace this plot function creates a traceplot
prior.meta The function returns a custom string that specifies part of the model. The function returns a custom string that specifies part of the model (single-study).