Interface to 'Container Instances', 'Docker Registry' and 'Kubernetes' in 'Azure'

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Documentation for package ‘AzureContainers’ version 1.3.2

Help Pages

aci Azure Container Instance class
aci_creds Utilities for specifying ACI configuration information
aci_ports Utilities for specifying ACI configuration information
acr Azure Container Registry class
agent_pool Utility function for specifying Kubernetes agent pools
aks Azure Kubernetes Service class
aks_pools Vectorised utility function for specifying Kubernetes agent pools
az_container_instance Azure Container Instance class
az_container_registry Azure Container Registry class
az_kubernetes_service Azure Kubernetes Service class
call_docker Call the docker commandline tool
call_docker_compose Call the docker-compose commandline tool
call_helm Call the Helm commandline tool
call_kubectl Call the Kubernetes commandline tool, kubectl
create_aci Create Azure Container Instance (ACI)
create_acr Create Azure Container Registry (ACR)
create_aks Create Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
delete_aci Delete an Azure Container Instance (ACI)
delete_acr Delete an Azure Container Registry (ACR)
delete_aks Delete an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
DockerRegistry Docker registry class
docker_registry Create a new Docker registry object
get_aci Get Azure Container Instance (ACI)
get_aci_credentials_list Utilities for specifying ACI configuration information
get_acr Get Azure Container Registry (ACR)
get_aks Get Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
is_aci Utility functions to test whether an object is of the given class.
is_acr Utility functions to test whether an object is of the given class.
is_aks Utility functions to test whether an object is of the given class.
is_docker_registry Utility functions to test whether an object is of the given class.
is_kubernetes_cluster Utility functions to test whether an object is of the given class.
KubernetesCluster Kubernetes cluster class
kubernetes_cluster Create a new Kubernetes cluster object
list_acis Get Azure Container Instance (ACI)
list_acrs Get Azure Container Registry (ACR)
list_aks Get Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
list_kubernetes_versions List available Kubernetes versions
list_vm_sizes List available VM sizes