Post-Processing of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations for Chronological Modelling

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Documentation for package ‘ArchaeoPhases’ version 2.0

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activity Activity Plot
activity-method Activity Plot
allen_analyze Analyze Composite Allen Relations
allen_complement Complement of an Allen Relation
allen_complement-method Complement of an Allen Relation
allen_composition Composition of Allen Relations
allen_composition-method Composition of Allen Relations
allen_converse Converse of an Allen Relation
allen_converse-method Converse of an Allen Relation
allen_illustrate Illustrate Basic and Composite Allen Relations
allen_intersect Intersection of Allen Relations
allen_intersect-method Intersection of Allen Relations
allen_joint_concurrency Joint Concurrence of Two or More Observed Intervals
allen_joint_concurrency-method Joint Concurrence of Two or More Observed Intervals
allen_observe Observe the Relation Between two Phases
allen_observe-method Observe the Relation Between two Phases
allen_observe_frequency Observed Frequency of an Allen Set
allen_observe_frequency-method Observed Frequency of an Allen Set
allen_relation Allen Relation Between Definite Intervals
allen_relation-method Allen Relation Between Definite Intervals
allen_relation_code The Basic Allen Relation Set
allen_relation_concurrent The Basic Allen Relation Set
allen_relation_distinct The Basic Allen Relation Set
allen_relation_string The Basic Allen Relation Set
allen_union Union of Allen Relations
allen_union-method Union of Allen Relations Coerce to a Data Frame
as_coda Coerce to Coda
as_coda-method Coerce to Coda
as_events Coerce to Events
as_events-method Coerce to Events
as_phases Coerce to Phases
as_phases-method Coerce to Phases
bind Combine two MCMC Objects
boundaries Phase Time Range
boundaries-method Phase Time Range
bury Age-Depth Modeling
bury-method Age-Depth Modeling
cbind2-method Combine two MCMC Objects
check Check for an Original MCMC File
data.frame Coerce to a Data Frame
duration Phase Duration
duration-method Phase Duration
elapse Elapsed Time Scale
elapse-method Elapsed Time Scale
hiatus Hiatus Between Two Dates
hiatus-method Hiatus Between Two Dates
interpolate Interpolate Between Two Dates
interpolate-method Interpolate Between Two Dates
interval_credible Bayesian Credible Interval
interval_credible-method Bayesian Credible Interval
interval_hdr Bayesian HPD Regions
interval_hdr-method Bayesian HPD Regions
is_original Check for an Original MCMC File
is_original-method Check for an Original MCMC File
mcmc_events Events
mcmc_phases Phases
names The Names of an Object
names-method The Names of an Object
names<--method The Names of an Object
occurrence Occurrence Plot
occurrence-method Occurrence Plot
older Bayesian Test for Anteriority/Posteriority
older-method Bayesian Test for Anteriority/Posteriority
phases Compute Phases
phases-method Compute Phases
plot-method Activity Plot
plot-method Age-Depth Modeling
plot-method Occurrence Plot
plot-method Plot Events
plot-method Plot Phases
plot-method Tempo Plot
plot_events Plot Events
plot_phases Plot Phases
predict-method Age-Depth Modeling
read_bcal Read BCal Output
read_bcal-method Read BCal Output
read_chronomodel Read ChronoModel Output
read_chronomodel-method Read ChronoModel Output
read_chronomodel_events Read ChronoModel Output
read_chronomodel_events-method Read ChronoModel Output
read_chronomodel_phases Read ChronoModel Output
read_chronomodel_phases-method Read ChronoModel Output
read_oxcal Read OxCal Output
read_oxcal-method Read OxCal Output
sensitivity Sensitivity
sensitivity-method Sensitivity
sort Sort an MCMC Object
sort-method Sort an MCMC Object
sort.list Ordering Permutation of an MCMC Object
sort.list-method Ordering Permutation of an MCMC Object
subset Extract or Replace Parts of an Object
summary Marginal Summary Statistics for Multiple MCMC Chains
summary-method Marginal Summary Statistics for Multiple MCMC Chains
tempo Tempo Plot
tempo-method Tempo Plot
transition Transition Range Between Successive Phases
transition-method Transition Range Between Successive Phases
[-method Extract or Replace Parts of an Object