subset {ArchaeoPhases}R Documentation

Extract or Replace Parts of an Object


Operators acting on objects to extract or replace parts.


## S4 method for signature 'MCMC'
x[i, j, ..., drop = FALSE]

## S4 method for signature 'PhasesMCMC'
x[i, j, k, drop = FALSE]



An object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).

i, j, k

Indices specifying elements to extract or replace.


Currently not used.


A logical scalar: should the result be coerced to the lowest possible dimension? This only works for extracting elements, not for the replacement.


A subsetted object.


N. Frerebeau

See Also

Other mutators: bind, data.frame, names(), sort(), sort.list()


## Events
(eve <- as_events(mcmc_events, calendar = CE(), iteration = 1))

eve[1:1000, ] # Select the first 1000 iterations
eve[, 1:2]    # Select the first 2 events

cbind2(eve[, 1:2], eve[, 3:4]) # Combine two MCMC objects
sort(eve, decreasing = TRUE)   # Sort events in descending order

## Phases
(pha <- as_phases(mcmc_phases, start = c(1, 3), calendar = CE(), iteration = 1))

pha[1:1000, , ]          # Select the first 1000 iterations
pha[, 1, , drop = FALSE] # Select the first phase

[Package ArchaeoPhases version 2.0 Index]