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Size: 2.5K
R: Plotting the non-negative neural network
...neural network Description This function plots the non-negative neural network Usage CoOL_3_plot_neural_network( model, names, arrow_size = NA, title = "Model connection weights and intercepts"...
 cran-help  matching: neural, neural and neural

Size: 1.1K
R: Neural Network implementation
Neural_Network-class {DamiaNN} R Documentation Neural Network implementation Description Neural Network implementation [Package DamiaNN...
 cran-help  matching: neural, neural and neural

Size: 3.1K
R: Initiates a non-negative neural network
...neural network Description This function initiates a non-negative neural network. The one-hidden layer non-negative neural network is designed to resemble a DAG with hidden synergistic components.
 cran-help  matching: neural, neural and neural

Size: 4.8K
R: Prepare for visualization of a neural network classification...
...a neural net that was modeled on the training data, using the output of vcr.neural.train on the training data. Usage vcr.neural.newdata(Xnew, ynew = NULL, probs, vcr.neural.train.out) Arguments Xnew...
 cran-help  matching: neural, neural and neural

Size: 6.3K
R: Prepare for visualization of a neural network classification...
...neural network. The representation of the data in a given layer (e.g. the final layer before applying the softmax function) then serves as the argument X to vcr.neural.train. Usage vcr.neural.train(X...
 cran-help  matching: neural, neural and neural

Size: 5.9K
R: Training the non-negative neural network
...neural network Description This function trains the non-negative neural network. Fitting the model is done in a step-wise procedure one individual at a time, where the model estimates individual's...
 cran-help  matching: neural, neural and neural

Size: 2.0K
R: Training of Neural Networks
...method for generalized weights neuralnet Training of neural networks plot.nn Plot method for neural networks predict.nn Neural network prediction prediction Summarizes the output of the neural network...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 2.0K
R: Validation Tools for Artificial Neural Networks
...ann Predict new examples using a trained neural network. validann Validate Artificial Neural Networks. validann.ann Validate Artificial Neural Networks. validann.default Validate Artificial Neural ...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 4.1K
R: Feed-Forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear Models
...ind Generates Class Indicator Matrix from a Factor coef.multinom Fit Multinomial Log-linear Models coef.nnet Fit Neural Networks drop1.multinom Fit Multinomial Log-linear Models eval.nn Fit Neural...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 2.5K
R: Tun: The function that returns tunneling neural networks
...default it is assumed to be 1. Value A tunnel neural network of depth n. A tunneling neural network is defined as the neural network \mathsf{Aff}_{1,0} for n=1, the neural network \mathsf{Id}_1 for n...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 2.6K
R: Forward pass of the Neural ODE network
...A keras neural network that defines the Neural ODE. inputs Matrix or vector inputs to the neural network. tsteps A vector of each time step upon which the Neural ODE is solved to get to the final...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 1.8K
R: Functional Neural Networks
Help Pages daily Classic Canadian weather data set. Functional Neural Networks with Cross-validation Fitting Functional Neural Networks fnn.fnc Output of Estimated Functional Weights...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 2.3K
R: Time Series Forecasting with Neural Networks
...forecasting ELM (fast) neural network. elm.thief ELM network for THieF. forecast.elm Forecast using ELM neural network. forecast.mlp Forecast using MLP neural network. linscale Apply minmax...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 3.7K
R: Recurrent Neural Network
...Neural Network Documentation for package ‘rnn’ version 1.9.0 DESCRIPTION file. User guides, package vignettes and other documentation. Package NEWS. Help Pages b2i Binary to Integer backprop_gru...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 6.2K
R: Visualization and Analysis Tools for Neural Networks
...Tools for Neural Networks Documentation for package ‘NeuralNetTools’ version 1.5.3 DESCRIPTION file. User guides, package vignettes and other documentation. Help Pages bias_lines Plot connection...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 2.1K
R: Returns list of parameters the neural network model currently...
...citodnn {cito} R Documentation Returns list of parameters the neural network model currently has in use Description Returns list of parameters the neural network model currently has in use Usage ## S3...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 3.2K
R: Cointegration Based Time Delay Neural Network Model
...Neural Network Model hybrid model allows the researcher to make use of the information extracted by the cointegrating vector as an input in the neural network model. Usage ECTTDNN(data,type,t,lag_ann...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 5.9K
R: Generative Neural Networks
...GNN model Slots to raw or keras Objects catch Catching Results, Warnings and Errors Simultaneously CvM Loss Function dim.gnn_GNN Basic Functions and Methods ffGNN Feedforward for Generative Neural...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 3.0K
R: Backward pass of the Neural ODE
...Neural ODE Usage backward(model, tsteps, outputs, output_gradients = NULL) Arguments model A keras neural network that defines the Neural ODE. tsteps A vector of each time step upon which the Neural...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural

Size: 2.9K
R: nnfor:Time Series Forecasting with Neural Networks
...Forecasting with Neural Networks Description The nnfor package provides automatic time series modelling with neural networks. It facilitates fully automatic, semi-manual or fully manual specification...
 cran-help  matching: neural and neural


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