Compute and Plot Zonohedra from Vector Generators

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Documentation for package ‘zonohedra’ version 0.2-2

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zonohedra-package zonhedra package
%+% Minkowski sum of Two zonotopes
%+%.zonotope Minkowski sum of Two zonotopes
boundarypgramdata compute data about specific parallelograms in the boundary of a zonohedron
classics.genlist zonohedra generators useful for testing and plotting
colorimetry.genlist zonohedra generators useful for testing and plotting
genlist zonohedra generators useful for testing and plotting
getcenter zonotope get functions
getcenter.zonotope zonotope get functions
getground matroid get functions
getground.matroid matroid get functions
gethyperplane matroid get functions
gethyperplane.matroid matroid get functions
getloop matroid get functions
getloop.matroid matroid get functions
getmatrix matroid get functions
getmatrix.matroid matroid get functions
getmatrix.zonotope zonotope get functions
getmatroid zonotope get functions
getmatroid.zonotope zonotope get functions
getmetrics Get Important Metrics about a Zonohedron, and Print and Summarize Them
getmetrics.zonogon get important metrics about a zonogon, and print basic facts about a zonogon.
getmetrics.zonohedron Get Important Metrics about a Zonohedron, and Print and Summarize Them
getmultiple matroid get functions
getmultiple.matroid matroid get functions
getsegment zonoseg construction, querying, and printing
getsegment.zonoseg zonoseg construction, querying, and printing
getsegment2trans zonoseg construction, querying, and printing
getsegment2trans.zonoseg zonoseg construction, querying, and printing
getsimplified simplify and unsimplify
getsimplified.matroid simplify and unsimplify
grpDuplicated Grouping by duplicated elements
grpDuplicated.default Grouping by duplicated elements
grpDuplicated.matrix Grouping by duplicated elements
inside test points for being inside a zonotope
inside.zonotope test points for being inside a zonotope
inside2trans test points against a 2-transition surface
invert invert points in a zonogon
invert.zonogon invert points in a zonogon
invert.zonoseg invert points in a zonoseg
invertboundary invert points on the boundary of a zonohedron
invertboundary.zonohedron invert points on the boundary of a zonohedron
is_independent Rank and Independence
is_paving matroid properties
is_paving.matroid matroid properties
is_pointed zonotope properties
is_pointed.zonotope zonotope properties
is_salient zonotope properties
is_salient.zonotope zonotope properties
is_simple matroid properties
is_simple.matroid matroid properties
is_uniform matroid properties
is_uniform.matroid matroid properties
lintransform linear transformations of zonotopes, and vector matroids
lintransform.matroid linear transformations of zonotopes, and vector matroids
lintransform.zonogon linear transformations of zonotopes, and vector matroids
lintransform.zonohedron linear transformations of zonotopes, and vector matroids
matroid matroid construction
matroid.list matroid construction
matroid.matrix matroid construction
minkowskisum Minkowski sum of Two zonotopes
minkowskisum.zonotope Minkowski sum of Two zonotopes
plot.zonogon plot a zonogon
plot.zonohedron plot a zonohedron
plot2trans plot the 2-transition surface associated with a zonohedron
plothighertrans plot abundant and deficient parallelograms
plotpolygon plot the _generator polygon_ associated with a pointed zonohedron
polarzonogon zonogon construction
polarzonohedron zonohedron construction
print Print Basic Facts about a Matroid
print.genlist Print Basic Metrics for Each Zonohedron Generated by the Matrices in a *genlist* object
print.matroid Print Basic Facts about a Matroid
print.zonogon get important metrics about a zonogon, and print basic facts about a zonogon.
print.zonohedron Get Important Metrics about a Zonohedron, and Print and Summarize Them
print.zonoseg zonoseg construction, querying, and printing
rank Rank and Independence
raytrace compute the intersection of a ray, based in the interior of a zonohedron, and the boundary of that zonohedron
raytrace.zonogon compute the intersection of a ray, based in the interior of a zonogon, and the boundary of that zonogon
raytrace.zonohedron compute the intersection of a ray, based in the interior of a zonohedron, and the boundary of that zonohedron
raytrace2trans compute the intersection of a ray and the 2-transition surface associated with a zonohedron
regularprism zonohedron construction
section compute the intersection of a plane and the boundary of a zonohedron
section.zonogon compute the intersection of a line and the boundary of a zonogon
section.zonohedron compute the intersection of a plane and the boundary of a zonohedron
section2trans compute the intersection of a plane and the 2-transition surface associated with a zonohedron
simplify simplify and unsimplify
simplify.list simplify and unsimplify
spherize spherize a zonotope
spherize.zonotope spherize a zonotope
summary.zonohedron Get Important Metrics about a Zonohedron, and Print and Summarize Them
support the support function for a zonotope
support.zonotope the support function for a zonotope
symmetrize symmetrize a zonotope
symmetrize.zonotope symmetrize a zonotope
transitionsdf summarize the number of transitions and associated data, over all parallelograms in the boundary of a zonohedron
unsimplify simplify and unsimplify
unsimplify.list simplify and unsimplify
zonogon zonogon construction
zonohedron zonohedron construction
zonoseg zonoseg construction, querying, and printing