TallyLake {yaImpute}R Documentation

Tally Lake, Flathead National Forest, Montana, USA


Polygon-based reference data used by Stage and Crookston (2007) to demonstrate partitioning of error components and related statistics. Observations are summaries of data collected on forest stands (ploygons).




A data frame with 847 rows and 29 columns:

Ground based measurements of trees (Y-variables):

  1. TopHt - Height of tallest trees (ft)

  2. LnVolL - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of western larch

  3. LnVolDF - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of Douglas-fir

  4. LnVolLP - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of lodgepole pine

  5. LnVolES - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of Engelmann spruce

  6. LnVolAF - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of alpine fir

  7. LnVolPP - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of ponderosa pine

  8. CCover - Canopy cover (percent)

Geographic Location, Slope, and Aspect (X-variables):

  1. utmx - UTM easting at plot center

  2. utmy - UTM northing at plot center

  3. elevm - Mean elevation (ft) above sea level over plot

  4. eevsqrd - (elevm1600)2(elevm-1600)^2

  5. slopem - Mean slope (percent) over plot

  6. slpcosaspm - Mean of slope (proportion) times the cosine of aspect (see Stage (1976) for description of this transformation

  7. slpsinaspm - Mean of slope (proportion) times the sine of aspect

Additional X-variables:

  1. ctim - Mean of slope curviture over pixels in stand

  2. tmb1m - Mean of LandSat band 1 over pixels in stand

  3. tmb2m - Mean of LandSat band 2 over pixels in stand

  4. tmb3m - Mean of LandSat band 3 over pixels in stand

  5. tmb4m - Mean of LandSat band 4 over pixels in stand

  6. tmb5m - Mean of LandSat band 5 over pixels in stand

  7. tmb6m - Mean of LandSat band 6 over pixels in stand

  8. durm - Mean of light duration over pixels in stand

  9. insom - Mean of solar insolation over pixels in stand

  10. msavim - Mean of AVI for pixels in stand

  11. ndvim - Mean of NDVI for pixels in stand

  12. crvm - Mean of slope curviture for pixels in stand

  13. tancrvm - Mean of tangent curvature for pixels in stand

  14. tancrvsd - Standard deviation of tangent curvature for pixels in stand


USDA Forest Service


Stage, A.R.; Crookston, N.L. 2007. Partitioning error components for accuracy-assessment of near neighbor methods of imputation. For. Sci. 53(1):62-72 https://academic.oup.com/forestscience/article/53/1/62/4604364

Stage, A.R. (1976). An expression for the effect of aspect, slope, and habitat type on tree growth. For. Sci. 22(4):457-460. https://academic.oup.com/forestscience/article-abstract/22/4/457/4675852

[Package yaImpute version 1.0-34 Index]