ann |
Approximate nearest neighbor search routines |
applyMask |
Removes neighbors that share (or not) group membership with targets. |
AsciiGridImpute |
Imputes/Predicts data for Ascii Grid maps |
AsciiGridPredict |
Imputes/Predicts data for Ascii Grid maps |
bestVars |
Computes the number of _best_ X-variables |
buildConsensus |
Finds the consensus imputations among a list of yai objects |
compare.yai |
Compares different k-NN solutions |
cor.yai |
Correlation between observed and imputed |
correctBias |
Correct bias by selecting different near neighbors |
ensembleImpute |
Computes the mean, median, or mode among a list of impute.yai objects |
errorStats |
Compute error components of k-NN imputations |
foruse |
Report a complete imputation |
grmsd |
Generalized Root Mean Square Distance Between Observed and Imputed Values |
impute |
Impute variables from references to targets |
impute.yai |
Impute variables from references to targets |
MoscowMtStJoe |
Moscow Mountain and St. Joe Woodlands (Idaho, USA) Tree and LiDAR Data |
mostused |
Tabulate references most often used in imputation |
newtargets |
Finds K nearest neighbors for new target observations |
notablyDifferent |
Finds observations with large differences between observed and imputed values |
notablyDistant |
Find notably distant targets | |
Plots a compare.yai object |
plot.impute.yai |
Plot observed verses imputed data |
plot.notablyDifferent |
Plots the scaled root mean square differences between observed and predicted |
plot.varSel |
Boxplot of mean Mahalanobis distances from varSelection() |
plot.yai |
Plot observed verses imputed data |
predict.yai |
Generic predict function for class yai |
print.yai |
Print a summary of a yai object |
rmsd |
Root Mean Square Difference between observed and imputed |
rmsd.yai |
Root Mean Square Difference between observed and imputed |
summary.yai |
Print a summary of a yai object |
TallyLake |
Tally Lake, Flathead National Forest, Montana, USA |
unionDataJoin |
Combines data from several sources |
vars |
List variables in a yai object |
varSelection |
Select variables for imputation models |
whatsMax |
Find maximum column for each row |
xvars |
List variables in a yai object |
yai |
Find K nearest neighbors |
yaImpute |
Find K nearest neighbors |
yaiRFsummary |
Build Summary Data For Method RandomForest |
yaiVarImp |
Reports or plots importance scores for yai method randomForest |
yvars |
List variables in a yai object |