template_titles {xpose} | R Documentation |
Template titles
Template titles can be used to create highly informative diagnostics plots.
They can be applied to any plot title, subtitle, caption and the filename when saving
with the xpose_save
Template titles are defined via a single string containing key variables staring with a @ (e.g. @ofv) which will be replaced by their actual value when rendering the plot. For example '@run, @nobs observations in @nind subjects' would become 'run001, 1022 observations in 74 subjects'
Many key variables are available:
- @condn
Condition number
- @covtime
Covariance matrix runtime
- @data
Model input data used
- @descr
Model description
- @dir
Model directory
- @epsshk
Epsilon shrinkage
- @errors
Run errors (e.g termination error)
- @esampleseed
ESAMPLE seed number (used in NPDE)
- @etashk
Eta shrinkage
- @file
Model file name
- @label
Model label
- @method
Estimation method or sim
- @nesample
Number of ESAMPLE (used in NPDE)
- @nind
Number of individuals
- @nobs
Number of observations
- @nsig
Number of significant digits
- @nsim
Number of simulations
- @ofv
Objective function value
- @page and @lastpage
Are respectively the page number and the number of the last page when faceting on multiple pages
- @probn
Problem number
- @plotfun
Name of the plot function
- @ref
Reference model
- @run
Model run name
- @runtime
Estimation/Sim runtime
- @software
Software used (e.g. NONMEM)
- @simseed
Simulation seed
- @subroutine
Differential equation solver
- @timestart
Run start time
- @timestop
Run stop time
- @timeplot
Time of the plot rendering
- @term
Termination message
- @version
Software version (e.g. 7.3)
- @vpcci
VPC confidence interval
- @vpcdir
VPC data directory
- @vpclloq
VPC lower limit of quantification
- @vpcnsim
Number of simulations for VPC
- @vpcpi
VPC prediction interval
- @vpculoq
VPC upper limit of quantification
- @warnings
Run warnings (e.g. boundary)
- @x @y etc.
Name of any ggplot2 variable used for mapping in an
type function
See Also
# Defined when creating a plot
title = '@x vs. @y',
subtitle = '@ofv, @nind subjects, @nobs obs.',
caption = '@run, @descr')
# Any label can be modified later on
dv_vs_ipred(xpdb_ex_pk, aes(point_color = SEX,
line_color = SEX)) +
labs(title = 'This runs is: @descr',
color = 'Color scale for @run',
x = 'IPRED for @nind subjects',
subtitle = NULL)