Tools for Analyzing Crossover Interference

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Documentation for package ‘xoi’ version 0.72

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bssbsb BSS/BSB backcross data
chiasma Estimate chiasma distribution from crossover counts
coincidence Estimate coincidence function
convertxoloc Convert format of crossover locations data
countxo Estimate number of crossovers
distance.given.two Distance between crossovers given there are two
est.coi Estimate the coincidence function Estimate the coincidence as a function of micron distance
est.recrate Estimate recombination rate
find.breaks Estimate crossover locations
first.given.two Location of first crossover given there are two
firstden Distance to a crossover
fitGamma Fit Gamma model
fitStahl Fit Stahl model
gammacoi Coincidence function for the gamma model
intensity Estimate intensity function
ioden Distance between crossovers
joint.given.two Crossover locations given there are two
kfunc estimate Ripley's K function Location of crossover given there is one
recrate2scanone Convert recrate to scanone format
simStahl Simulate crossover locations under the Stahl model
stahlcoi Coincidence function for the Stahl model
stahlLoglik Calculate log likelihood for Stahl model
xoiversion Installed version of R/xoi
xoprob Distribution of number of crossovers