bssbsb |
BSS/BSB backcross data |
chiasma |
Estimate chiasma distribution from crossover counts |
coincidence |
Estimate coincidence function |
convertxoloc |
Convert format of crossover locations data |
countxo |
Estimate number of crossovers |
distance.given.two |
Distance between crossovers given there are two |
est.coi |
Estimate the coincidence function | |
Estimate the coincidence as a function of micron distance |
est.recrate |
Estimate recombination rate |
find.breaks |
Estimate crossover locations |
first.given.two |
Location of first crossover given there are two |
firstden |
Distance to a crossover |
fitGamma |
Fit Gamma model |
fitStahl |
Fit Stahl model |
gammacoi |
Coincidence function for the gamma model |
intensity |
Estimate intensity function |
ioden |
Distance between crossovers |
joint.given.two |
Crossover locations given there are two |
kfunc |
estimate Ripley's K function | |
Location of crossover given there is one |
recrate2scanone |
Convert recrate to scanone format |
simStahl |
Simulate crossover locations under the Stahl model |
stahlcoi |
Coincidence function for the Stahl model |
stahlLoglik |
Calculate log likelihood for Stahl model |
xoiversion |
Installed version of R/xoi |
xoprob |
Distribution of number of crossovers |