Genetic Association Models for X-Chromosome SNPS on Continuous, Binary and Survival Outcomes

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Documentation for package ‘xlink’ version 1.0.1

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xlink-package xlink: A package for genetic association models for X-chromosome SNPS on continuous, binary and survival outcomes.
fit_all_models Model fitting results for each SNP considering as XCI, XCI-E and XCI-S type
fit_XCI_E_model Model fitting results for each SNP considering as XCI-E type
fit_XCI_model Model fitting results for each SNP considering as XCI type
infor_table Information table.
MAF Select SNP by MAF.
Rdata Simulation data for Genetic association models for X-chromosome SNPS
select_output Selected results table by P value
xlink xlink: A package for genetic association models for X-chromosome SNPS on continuous, binary and survival outcomes.
xlink_fit Genetic association models for X-chromosome SNPs on continuous, binary and survival outcomes