xkcdline {xkcd}R Documentation

Draw lines or circunferences


It draws a handwritten line.


xkcdline(mapping, data, typexkcdline = "segment", mask = TRUE, ...)



Mapping between variables and aesthetics generated by aes. See Details.


Dataset used in this layer.


A string value. If it is segment, it draws a segment. If it is circunference, it plots a circunference.


Logical. If it is TRUE, it erases the pictures that are under the line.


Optional arguments.


This function draws handwritten lines or circles.

It draws a segment or a circunference in an XKCD style.

If it is a segment, the following aesthetics are required:

  1. xbegin: x position of the point from.

  2. ybegin: y position of the point from.

  3. xend: x position of the point to.

  4. yend: y position of the point to.

If it is a circunference, the following aesthetics are required:

  1. x: x position of the center.

  2. y: y position of the center.

  3. diameter: diameter of the circunference.

Additionally, you can use the aesthetics of geom_path.


A layer.

See Also

aes, geom_path


data <- data.frame(x1=c(1,2), y1=c(10,20), xend=c(2.5,0.5),
yend=c(20,10), model=c("low","high"))

ggplot() + xkcdline(mapping=aes(x=x1 +y1, y=y1, xend =xend, yend= yend,
color = model), data=data)

ggplot() + xkcdline(mapping=aes(x=x1 +y1, y=y1, xend =xend, yend= yend,
color = model), data=data) + facet_grid(. ~ model)

ggplot() + xkcdline(mapping=aes(x=x1 +y1, y=y1, diameter =xend), data=data, type="circunference")

[Package xkcd version 0.0.6 Index]