xegaRun {xega}R Documentation

Run an evolutionary or genetic algorithm for a problem environment which contains a function to optimize.


Run runs an evolutionary or genetic algorithm whose type is selected by algorithm. Available algorithms are:

  1. "sga": Genetic algorithm with binary genes.

  2. "sgde": Differential evolution with real genes.

  3. "sgperm": Genetic algorithm with permutation genes.

  4. "sgp": Grammar-based genetic programming with derivation-tree genes.

  5. "sge": Grammatical evolution (genetic algorithm with binary genes and a grammar-driven decoder.

The choice of the algorithm determines the gene-dependent configuration options.


  grammar = NULL,
  max = TRUE,
  algorithm = "sga",
  popsize = 100,
  generations = 20,
  crossrate = 0.2,
  mutrate = 1,
  elitist = TRUE,
  replay = 0,
  maxdepth = 7,
  maxtrials = 5,
  codons = 25,
  codonBits = 0,
  codonPrecision = "LCM",
  maxPBias = 0.01,
  evalmethod = "EvalGeneU",
  reportEvalErrors = TRUE,
  genemap = "Bin2Dec",
  crossrate2 = 0.3,
  ivcrossrate = "Const",
  crossover = "Cross2Gene",
  uCrossSwap = 0.2,
  mincrossdepth = 1,
  maxcrossdepth = 7,
  ivmutrate = "Const",
  mutrate2 = 1,
  bitmutrate = 0.005,
  bitmutrate2 = 0.01,
  maxmutdepth = 3,
  minmutinsertiondepth = 1,
  maxmutinsertiondepth = 7,
  lambda = 0.05,
  max2opt = 100,
  scalefactor1 = 0.9,
  scalefactor2 = 0.3,
  scalefactor = "Const",
  cutoffFit = 0.5,
  mutation = "MutateGene",
  replication = "Kid2",
  offset = 1,
  eps = 0.01,
  tournamentSize = 2,
  selectionBias = 1.5,
  maxTSR = 1.5,
  selection = "SUS",
  mateselection = "SUS",
  selectionContinuation = TRUE,
  scaling = "NoScaling",
  scalingThreshold = 0,
  scalingExp = 1,
  scalingExp2 = 1,
  rdmWeight = 1,
  drMax = 2,
  drMin = 0.5,
  dispersionMeasure = "var",
  scalingDelay = 1,
  accept = "All",
  alpha = 0.99,
  beta = 2,
  cooling = "ExponentialMultiplicative",
  coolingPower = 1,
  temp0 = 40,
  tempN = 0.01,
  verbose = 1,
  logevals = FALSE,
  allsolutions = FALSE,
  early = FALSE,
  terminationEps = 0.01,
  cores = NA,
  executionModel = "Sequential",
  uParApply = NULL,
  Cluster = NULL,
  profile = FALSE,
  batch = FALSE,
  path = ""



Problem environment.


A compiled grammar object. Default: NULL. Example: compileBNF(booleanGrammar())


If TRUE then Maximize! Default: TRUE. Used in functions EvalGeneDet, EvalGeneStoch, EvalGeneU, and EvalGeneR of package xegaSelectGene.


Specifies the algorithm class dependend on gene representation:

  • "sga": Binary representation (Default).

  • "sgde": Real representation. E.g. Differential evolution.

  • "sgperm": Permutation representation.

  • "sge": Binary representation. Grammatical evolution. (Not yet variable length.)

  • "sgp": Derivation tree representation. Grammar Based Genetic Programming.


Population size. Default: 100.


Number of generations. Default: 20.


Probability of applying crossover operator. Default: 0.20. (Global parameter)


Probability of applying mutation operator. Default: 1.0. (Global parameter)


Boolean. If TRUE, then keep best solution in population. Default: TRUE.


Integer. If replay>0 then use replay as seed of random number generator and store it for exact repetition of run. Default: 0.


The maximal depth of a derivation tree. Default: 7. ("sgp").


Maximal number of trials of finding subtrees with same root symbol. Default: 5. (sgp).


The maximal number of codons of derivations on a gene. Default: 25. ("sge").


The number of bits of a codon. Default: 0. ("sge").


Specify the method to set the number of bits of a codon ("sge"):

  • "Min": Sufficient to code the maximal number of choices of production rules for a non-terminal.

  • "LCM": Contains the least common multiple of the prime factors of the number of choices of production rules for all non-terminals.

  • "MaxPBias": The computed precision guarantees that the choice rule bias for a non-terminal is below maxPBias.

Argument of function factory xegaGePrecisionFactory in package xegaGeGene.


The threshold of the choice rule bias. Default: 0.01. (sge").


Specifies the method of function evaluation:

  • "EvalGeneU": The function is always evaluated. (Default)

  • "EvalGeneR": The function is always evaluated. Repairs of the gene by the decoder are possible.

  • "Deterministic": The function is evaluated only once.

  • "Stochastic": The expected function value and its variance are incrementally updated.

Argument of function factory EvalGeneFactory in package xegaSelectGene.


Report errors in the evaluation of fitness functions. Default: TRUE.


Gene map for decoding. Default: "Bin2Dec". The default value works only for algorithm "sga". Used as method argument of the function factory sgXGeneMapFactory of package xega.

Available available options determined by algorithm:

  • "sga": Binary representation (Default).

    • "Bin2Dec": For real parameter vectors.

    • "Gray2Dec": For real parameter vectors.

    • "Identity": For 0/1 parameter vectors.

    • "Permutation": For permutations.

    See the function factory xegaGaGeneMapFactory in package xegaGaGene.

  • "sgp": Derivation tree. Gene map is not used, but must be specified. We use xegaGaGene::xegaGaGeneMapFactory with method="Identity".

  • "sge": Binary representation (Default). How are genes decoded?

    • "Mod": The modulo rule.

    • "Bucket": The bucket rule (with the mLCM). Problem: Mapping 1: 2^k to 1:mLCMG.

    See the function factory xegaGeGeneMapFactory in package xegaGeGene.

  • "sgde": Real coded gene. We use xegaDfGene::xegaDfGeneMapFactory with method="Identity". Function used: xegaDfGene::xegaDfGeneMapIdentity

  • "sgperm": Permutation gene. Gene map is not used, but must be specified. We use xegaDfGene::xegaDfGeneMapFactory with method="Identity". Function used: xegaDfGene::xegaDfGeneMapIdentity

# end of genemap


Crossover rate for genes with below “average” fitness. Probability of applying crossover operator for genes with a “below average” fitness. Default: 0.30. (Global parameter)


Specifies the method of determining the crossover rate.

  • "Const" Constant crossover rate. The probability of applying the crossover operator is constant for the whole run of the algorithm. Default: "Const".

  • "IV" Individually variable crossover rate. The crossrate of a gene is determined by the following threshold rule: If the fitness of the gene is higher than lF$CutoffFit()* lF$CBestFitness() then lF$CrossRate1() else lF$CrossRate2() is used.

Argument of function factory CrossRateFactory in package xegaPopulation.


Crossover method. Default: "CrossGene". The choice of crossover methods depends on the setting of the argument algorithm. Used as the method argument in function factory sgXCrossoverFactory of package xega.

  • algorithm="sga": crossover is argument of function factory xegaGaCrossoverFactory in package xegaGaGene.

    • Crossover operators with 1 kid:

      • "CrossGene" one-point crossover.

      • "UCrossGene" uniform crossover.

      • "UPCrossgene" parameterized uniform crossover. Local parameter: uCrossSwap.

    • Crossover operators with 2 kids:

      • "Cross2Gene" one-point crossover.

      • "UCross2Gene" uniform crossover.

      • "UPCross2gene" parameterized uniform crossover. Local parameter: uCrossSwap.

  • algorithm="sgp": crossover is argument of function factory xegaGpCrossoverFactory in package xegaGpGene.

    • Crossover operators with 1 kid:

      • "CrossGene" position based one-point crossover.

    • Crossover operators with 2 kids:

      • "Cross2Gene" position based one-point crossover.

  • algorithm="sge": We use the factory xegaGaCrossoverFactory.

    (Adpatation needed for variable-length binary representation.)

  • algorithm="sgde": crossover is argument of function factory xegaDfCrossoverFactory in package xegaDfGene.

    • Crossover operators with 1 kid:

      • "CrossGene" one-point crossover (of reals)

      • "UCrossGene" uniform crossover (of reals)

      • "UPCrossGene" parametrized uniform crossover (of reals). Local parameter: uCrossSwap.

    • Crossover operators with 2 kids: Not implemented.

  • algorithm="sgperm": crossover is argument of function factory xegaPermCrossoverFactory in package xegaPermGene.

    • Crossover operators with 1 kid:

      • "CrossGene" position based one-point crossover.

    • Crossover operators with 2 kids:

      • "Cross2Gene" position based one-point crossover.


The fraction of positions swapped in the parametrized uniform crossover operator. A local crossover parameter. Default: 0.2. ("sga" and "sgde"). Used in packages xegaGaGene and xegaDfGene for functions xegaGaUPCross2Gene, xegaDfUPCross2Gene, xegaGaUPCrossGene, and xegaDfUPCrossGene.


minimal depth of exchange nodes (roots of subtrees swapped by crossover). ("sgp").


Maximal depth of exchange nodes (roots of subtrees swapped by crossover). ("sgp"). Used in package xegaGpGene functions xegaGpCrossGene and xegaGpCross2Gene in package xegaGpGene.


"Const" or "IV" (individually variable). Default: "Const".


Mutation rate. Default: 1.0. (Global parameter).


Bit mutation rate. Default: 0.005. A local mutation parameter. ("sga" and "sge"). Used in package xegaGaGene functions MutateGene IVAdaptiveMutateGene


Bit mutation rate for genes with “below average” fitness. Default: 0.01. A local mutation parameter. ("sga" and "sge"). Used in package xegaGaGene functions IVAdaptiveMutateGene


Maximal depth of a derivation tree inserted by mutation. Default: 3. ("sgp").


Minimal depth at which an insertion tree is inserted. Default: 1. ("sgp").


Maximal depth at which an insertion tree is inserted. Default: 7. ("sgp"). Used in package xegaGpGene function xegaGpMutateGene.


Decay rate. Default: 0.05. A local mutation parameter. ("sgperm"). Used in package xegaPermGene function xegaPermMutateGenekInversion.


Maximal number of trials to find an improvement by a random edge exchange in a permutation. Default: 100. ("sgperm"). Used in package xegaPermGene function xegaPermMutateGene2Opt. and xegaPermMutateGeneOptLK.


Scale factor for differential mutation operator (Default: 0.9). ("sgde").


Scale factor for differential mutation operator (Default: 0.2). ("sgde").


Method for setting scale factor ("sgde"):

  • "Const": constant scale factor.

  • "Uniform": a random scale factor in 0.000001 to 1.0.


Cutoff for fitness. Default: 0.5. ("sga" and "sge"). Used in package xegaGaGene function IVAdaptiveMutateGene.


Label specifies mutation method dependend on algorithm. Default: "MutateGene". The (global) probability of calling a mutation method is specified by mutrate and mutrate2. Used as method argument of function factory sgXMutationFactory package xega.

  • algorithm="sga": mutation is argument of function factory xegaGaMutationFactory in package xegaGaGene.

    • "MutateGene": Bitwise mutation. Local parameter: bitmutrate. Function used: xegaGaGene::xegaGaMutateGene.

    • "IVM": Invividually variable mutation. Intuitively we know that bad genes need higher mutation rates. Good genes have a fitness which is above a threshold fitness. The threshold is determined as a percentage of the current best fitness in the population. The percentage is set by the parameter cutoffFit. Local parameters: bitmutrate for good genes. bitmutrate2 for bad genes. bitmutrate2 should be higher then bitmutrate.

  • algorithm="sgp": mutation is argument of function factory xegaGpMutationFactory in package xegaGpGene.

    • "MutateGene": Random insertion of a random derivation tree. Local parameter: maxmutdepth. Function used: xegaGpGene::xegaGpMutateGene.

  • algorithm="sge": mutation is argument of function factory xegaGaMutationFactory. Nothing specific to grammatical evolution implemented.

  • algorithm="sgde": mutation is argument of function factory xegaDfMutationFactory in package xegaDfGene.

    • "MutateGene": Add the scaled difference of the parameters of two randomly selected to a gene. Local parameters: Choice of function for scalefactor as well as scalefactor1 and scalefactor2. Function used: xegaDfGene::xegaDfMutateGeneDE.

  • algorithm="sgperm": mutation is argument of function factory xegaPermMutationFactory in package xegaPermGene.

    • "MutateGene": Function used: xegaPermGene::xegaPermMutateGeneOrderBased.

    • "MutateGeneOrderBased": See "MutateGene".

    • "MutateGenekInversion": Function used: xegaPermGene::xegaPermMutateGenekInversion.

    • "MutateGene2Opt": Function used: xegaPermGene::xegaPermMutateGene2Opt.

    • "MutateGenekOptLK": Function used: xegaPermGene::xegaPermMutateGenekOptLK.

    • "MutateGeneGreedy": Function used: xegaPermGene::xegaPermMutateGeneGreedy.

    • "MutateGeneBestGreedy": Function used: xegaPermGene::xegaPermMutateGeneBestGreedy.

    • "MutateGeneMix": Function used: xegaPermGene::xegaPermMutateMix.


"Kid1" or "Kid2". Default: "Kid1". For algorithms "sga", "sgPerm", "sgp", and "sge": "Kid1" means a crossover operator with one kid, "Kid2" means a crossover operator with two kids.

For algorithm "sgde", replication must be set to "DE".

Used as the method argument of the function factory sgXReplicationFactory of package xega.


Offset used in proportional selection. Default: 1. Used in the following functions of package xegaSelectGene: ScaleFitness, PropFitOnLn, PropFit, PropFitM, PropFitDiffOnLn, PropFitDiff, SUS.


Epsilon in proportional fitness difference selection. Default: 0.01. Used in package xegaSelectGene function PropFitDiffM.


Tournament size. Default: 2. Used in package xegaSelectGene functions SelectTournament, SelectSTournament.


(> 1.0). Controls selection pressure for Whitley's linear rank selection with selective pressure. Default: 1.5. Near 1.0: almost uniform selection. Used in package xegaSelectGene function SelectLRSelective,


Controls selection pressure for Grefenstette and Baker's linear rank selection method. Should be higher than 1.0 and lower equal 2.0. Default: 1.5. Used in package xegaSelectGene function SelectLinearRankTSR.


Selection method for first parent of crossover. Default: "SUS".


Selection method for second parent of crossover. Default: "SUS".

Available selection methods for selection method of a parent:

  • Uniform random selection: "Uniform".

  • Uniform random selection without replacement: "UniformP".

  • Proportional to fitness: "ProportionalOnln" (fastest), "Proportional", "ProportionalM",

  • Proportional to fitness differences: "PropFitDiffOnln" (fastest), "PropfitDiff", "PropfitDiffM",

  • Stochastic universal sampling: "SUS",

  • Tournament selection: "Duel" (fastest), "Tournament", "STournament",

  • Rank selection: "LRSelective" (fastest), "LRTSR".

Argument of function factory SelectGeneFactory in package xegaSelectGene.


Boolean. If TRUE, precomputes selection indices for next generation once and transforms selection function to index lookup continuation. Default: TRUE. Used in package xegaPopulation function xegaNextPopulation.


Scaling method. Default: "NoScaling". Available scaling methods:

  • "NoScaling",

  • "ConstantScaling" (Static),

  • "ThresholdScaling" (Dynamic),

  • "ContinuousScaling" (Dynamic).

Argument of function factory ScalingFactory in package xegaSelectGene.


Numerical constant. Default: 0.0. If ratio of dispersion measures is in [(1-scalingThreshold), 1+scalingThreshold)], fitness is not scaled. Used in package xegaSelectGene function ThresholdScaleFitness.


Scaling exponent k in fit^k. With "ConstantScaling": 0 =< k. With "ThresholdScaling": 1 < k. (Default: 1) Used in package xegaSelectGene, functions ScalingFitness, ThresholdScaleFitness.


Scaling exponent for "ThresholdScaling": 0 <= k <1. (Default:1) Used in package xegaSelectGene function ThresholdScaleFitness.


Numerical constant. Default: 1.0. Weight of ratio of dispersion measures in continuous scaling. Used in package xegaSelectGene function ContinuousScaleFitness.


Maximal allowable dispersion ratio. Default: 2.0. Used in package xegaSelectGene function DispersionRatio.


Minimal allowable dispersion ratio. Default: 0.5. Used in package xegaSelectGene function DispersionRatio.


Dispersion measure used for computation of the ratio of dispersion measures for dynamic scaling methods. Default: "var". Available dispersion measures: "var, "std", "mad", "cv", "range", "iqr". Argument of function factory DispersionMeasureFactory in package xegaSelectGene.


The ratio of dispersion measures compares the current population dispersion at t with the population dispersion at t-scalingdelay. Default: 1. Used in package xegaSelectGene function DispersionRatio.


Acceptance rule for new gene. Default: "All".

  • "All" function AcceptNewGene

  • "Best" function AcceptBest

  • "Metropolis" function AcceptMetropolis. The behavior of this acceptance rule depends on:

    1. The distance between the fitness values. The larger the distance the larger the drop in acceptance probability.

    2. alpha is 1 minus the discount rate of the cooling schedule. alpha is in [0, 1]. The smaller alpha the faster the drop in temperatur and thus acceptance probability.

    3. beta a constant. The larger beta the faster the drop in acceptance probability.

    4. temperature the starting value of the temperature. Must be higher than the number of generations.

  • "IVMetropolis" function AcceptIVMetropolis. The behavior of this acceptance rule is qualitatively the same as that of the Metropolis acceptance rule above. The acceptance rule is adaptive by a correction of the temperature in proportion to the difference between the fitness of the current best and the fitness of the gene considered.

Argument of function factory AcceptFactory in package xegaPopulation.


1 minus the discount rate for temperature. (Default: 0.99). (Used in cooling schedule at the end of main GA-loop.)


Constant in Metropolis acceptance rule. (Default: 2.0). (Used in Metroplis acceptance rule.)


Cooling schedule for temperature. (Default: "ExponentialMultiplicative")

  • "ExponentialMultiplicative" calls ExponentialMultiplicativeCooling

  • "LogarithmicMultiplicative" calls LogarithmicMultiplicativeCooling

  • "PowerMultiplicative" calls PowerMultiplicativeCooling

  • "PowerAdditive" calls PowerAdditiveCooling

  • "ExponentialAdditive" calls ExponentialAdditiveCooling

  • "TrigonometricAdditive" calls TrigonometricAdditiveCooling

Argument of function factory CoolingFactory in package xegaPopulation.


Exponent for PowerMultiplicative cooling schedule. (Default: 1. This is called linear multiplicative cooling.)


Starting value of temperature (Default: 40). (Used in Metroplis acceptance rule. Updated in cooling schedule.)


Final value of temperature (Default: 0.01). (Used in Metroplis acceptance rule. Updated in cooling schedule.)


The value of verbose (Default: 1) controls the information displayed:

  1. == 0: Nothing is displayed.

  2. == 1: 1 point per generation.

  3. > 1: Max(fit), number of solutions, indices.

  4. > 2: and population fitness statistics.

  5. > 3: and fitness, value of phenotype, and phenotype.

  6. > 4: and str(genotype).


Boolean. If TRUE then log all evaluations and their parameters in the file xegaEvalLog<time stamp>.rds. Default: FALSE.

log<-readRDS(xegaEvalLog<time stamp>.rds) reads the log. The format of a row of log is <fitness> <parameters>.


Boolean. If TRUE, then return all best solutions. Default: FALSE.


Boolean. If FALSE (Default), ignore code for early termination. See Parabola2DEarly.


Fraction of known optimal solution for computing termination interval. Default: 0.01 See Parabola2DEarly.


Number of cores used for multi core parallel execution. (Default: NA. NA means that the number of cores is set by parallelly:availableCores() if the execution model is "MultiCore".


Execution model of fitness function evaluation. Available:

  • "Sequential": base::lapply is used.

  • "MultiCore": parallel::mclapply is used.

  • "FutureApply": future.apply::future_lapply is used.

  • "Cluster": Requires a proper configuration of the cluster.

Default: "Sequential".


A user defined parallel apply function (e.g. for Rmpi). If specified, overrides settings for executionModel. Default: NULL.


A cluster object generated by parallel::makeCluster() or parallelly::makeCluster(). Default: NULL.


Boolean. If TRUE measures execution time and counts number of executions to main components of genetic algorithms. Default: FALSE.


Boolean. If TRUE then save result in file xegaResult<time stamp>.rds. Default: FALSE


Path. Default: "".


The algorithm expects a problem environment penv which is a named list with at least the following functions:

Additional parameters needed depend on the algorithm and the problem environment. For example, for binary genes for function optimization, additional elements must be provided:


Result object. A named list of

  1. $popStat: A matrix with mean, min, Q1, median, Q3, max, variance, and median absolute deviation of population fitness as columns: i-th row for the measures of the i-th generation.

  2. $fit: Fitness vector if generations<=1 else: NULL.

  3. $solution: Named list with fields

    • $solution$name: Name of problem environment.

    • $solution$fitness: Fitness value of the best solution.

    • $solution$value: The evaluated best gene.

    • $solution$numberofsolutions: Number of solutions with the same fitness.

    • $solution$genotype: The gene a genetic code.

    • $solution$phenotype: The decoded gene.

    • $solution$phenotypeValue: The value of the function of the parameters of the solution.

    • $solution$evalFail: Number of failures or fitness evaluations

    • and, if configured, $solution$allgenotypes, as well as $solution$allphenotypes.

  4. $GAconfig: For rerun with xegaReRun().

  5. $GAenv: Attribute value list of GAconfig.

  6. $timer: An attribute value list with the time used (in seconds) in the main blocks of the GA: tUsed, tInit, tNext, tEval, tObserve, and tSummary.

Problem Specification

The problem specification consists of

Basic Parameters

The main parameters of a “standard” genetic algorithm are:

crossrate and mutrate specify the probability of applying the genetic operators crossover and mutation to a gene.

Two more parameters are important:

Global and Local Parameters

However, when using uniform crossover instead of one-point crossover, an additional parameter which specifies the probability of taking a bit from the first parent becomes necessary. Therefore, we distinguish between global and local operator parameters:

  1. Global operator parameters: The probabilities of applying a crossover (crossrate) or a mutation operator (mutrate) to a gene.

  2. Local operator parameters: E.g. the per bit probability of mutation or the probability of taking a bit from parent 1 for the uniform crossover operator. Local operator parameters affect only the genetic operator which needs them.

There exist several advantages of this classification of parameters:

To mimic a classic genetic algorithm with crossover and bit mutation rate, the probability of applying the mutation operator to a gene should be set to 1.

Global Adaptive Mechanisms

The adaptive mechanisms described in the following are based on threshold rules which determine how a parameter of the genetic operator is adapted. The threshold conditions are based on population statistics:

Adaptive Scaling. For adaptive scaling, select a dynamic scaling method, e.g. scaling="ThresholdScaling". A high selection pressure decreases the dispersion in the population. The parameter scalingThreshold is a numerical parameter which defines an interval from 1-scalingThreshold to 1+scalingThreshold:

  1. If the RDM is in this interval, the fitness function is not scaled.

  2. If the RDM is larger than the upper bound of the interval, the constant scalingExp which is higher than 1 is chosen for the scaling function. This implements the rule: If the dispersion has increased, increase the selection pressure.

  3. If the RDM is smaller than the lower bound of the interval, the constant scalingExp2 which is smaller than 1 is chosen for the scaling function. This implements the rule: If the dispersion has decreased, increase the selection pressure.

The dispersion measure is computed as ratio of the dispersion measure at t relative to the dispersion measure at t-scalingDelay. The default dispersion measure is the variance of the population fitness (dispersionMeasure="var"). However, other dispersion measures ("std", "mad", "cv", "range", "iqr") can be configured.

Another adaptive scaling method is continuous scaling (scaling="ContinuousScaling"). The scaling exponent is adapted by a weighted ratio of dispersion measures. The weight of the exponent is set by rdmWeight=1.1, its default is 1.0. Since the ratio of dispersion measures may be quite unstable, the default limits for the ratio are drMin=0.5 and drMax=2.0.

Individually Variable Mutation and Crossover Probabilities

The rationale of individually variable mutation and crossover rates is that selected genes with a low fitness should be changed by a genetic operator with a higher probability. This increases the chance of survival of the gene because of the chance of a fitness increase through crossover or mutation.

Select an adaptive genetic operator rate: For the crossover rate, ivcrossrate="IV". For the mutation rate, ivmutrate="IV".

If the fitness of a gene is higher than cutoffFit times the current best fitness, the crossover rate is crossrate else the crossover rate is crossrate2.

If the fitness of a gene is higher than cutoffFit times the current best fitness, the mutation rate is mutrate else the mutation rate is mutrate2.

The Initialization of a Population

For the algorithms "sga", "sgde", and "sgperm" the information needed for initialization is the length of the gene in bits, in parameters, and in the number of symbols of a permutation. For "sgp", the depth bound gives an upper limit for the program which can be represented by a derivation tree. For "sge", a codon is an integer for selecting a production rule. The number of bits of a genes is codons*codonBits.

Algorithm Parameters
"sga" Number of bits. penv$genelength()
"sgde" Number of parameters. length(penv$bitlength(), penv$lb(), penv$ub()
"sgperm" Number of symbols. penv$genelength()
"sgp" Depth bound of derivation tree. maxdepth
"sge" Number of codons and codons, codonBits, codonPrecision, maxPBias
number of bits of a codon.

The Pipeline of Genetic Operators

The pipeline of genetic operators merges the pipeline of a genetic algorithm with the pipeline of evolutionary algorithms and simulated annealing by adding an acceptance step:

Proper configuration of the pipeline allows the configuration of new algorithm variants which mix elements of genetic, evolutionary, and simulated annealing algorithms.

The following table gives a working standard configuration of the pipeline of the genetic operators for each of the five algorithms:

(next) Scaling NoScaling NoScaling NoScaling NoScaling NoScaling
(next) Selection SUS UniformP SUS SUS SUS
(next) Replication Kid2 DE Kid2 Kid2 Kid2
(next) Crossover Cross2Gene UCrossGene Cross2Gene Cross2Gene Cross2Gene
(next) Mutation MutateGene MutateGeneDE MutateGene MutateGene MutateGene
(next) Acceptance All Best All All All
(eval) Decoder Bin2Dec Identity Identity - Mod
(eval) Evaluation EvalGeneU EvalGeneU EvalGeneU EvalGeneU EvalGeneU


In genetic algorithms scaling of the fitness functions has the purpose of increasing or decreasing the selection pressure. Two classes of scaling methods are available:

The change of the dispersion measure of the population fitness is measured by the function lF$RDM() (RDM means (R)atio of (D)ispersion (M)easure). This function depends on

See package xegaSelectGene <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=xegaSelectGene>


Selection operators determine which genes are chosen for the replication process for the next generation. Selection operators are configured by selection and mateselection (the 2nd parent for crossover). The default operator is stochastic universal selection for both parents (configured by selection="SUS" and mateselection="SUS"). The following operators are implemented:

If selectionContinuation=TRUE then selection functions are computed exactly once per generation. They are transformed into lookup-functions which deliver the index of selected genes by indexing a vector of integers.

See package xegaSelectGene <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=xegaSelectGene>


For genetic algorithms ("sga", "sgp", sgperm", and "sge") in the replication process of a gene the crossover operator may by configured to produce one new gene (replication="Kid1") or two new genes (replication="Kid2"). The first version looses genetic information in the crossover operation, whereas the second version retains the genetic material in the population. There is a dependency between replication and crossover: "Kid2" requires a crossover operator which produces two kids. The replication method is configured by the function xegaGaReplicationFactory() of package xegaGaGene.

Note that only the function xegaGaReplicateGene of xegaGaGene (configured with replication="Kid1") implements a genetic operator pipeline with an acceptance rule.

For differential evolution (algorithm "sgde"), replication="DE" must be configured. The replication method for differential evolution is configured by the function xegaDfReplicationFactory() of package xegaDfGene. It implements a configurable acceptance rule. For classic differential evolution, use accept="Best".


The table below summarizes the available crossover operators of the current version.

Algorithm: "sga" and "sge" Package: xegaGaGene
Kids Name Function crossover= Influenced by
(2 kids) 1-Point xegaGaCross2Gene() "Cross2Gene"
Uniform xegaGaUCross2Gene() "UCross2Gene"
Parametrized Uniform xegaGaUPCross2Gene() "UPCross2Gene" ucrossSwap
(1 kid) 1-Point xegaGaCrossGene() "CrossGene"
Uniform xegaGaUCrossGene() "UCrossGene"
Parametrized Uniform xegaGaUPCrossGene() "UPCrossGene" ucrossSwap
Algorithm: "sgde" Package: xegaDfGene
(1 kid) 1-Point xegaDfCrossGene() "CrossGene"
Uniform xegaDfCrossGene() "UCrossGene"
Parametrized Uniform xegaDfUPCrossGene() "UPCrossGene" ucrossSwap
Algorithm: "sgperm" Package: xegaPermGene
(2 kids) Position-Based xegaPermCross2Gene() "Cross2Gene"
(1 kid) Position-Based xegaPermCrossGene() "CrossGene"
Algorithm: "sgp" Package: xegaGpGene
(2 kids) of Derivation Trees xegaGpAllCross2Gene() "Cross2Gene" or maxcrossdepth,
"All2Cross2Gene" maxdepth,
and maxtrials
of Depth-Filtered xegaGpFilterCross2Gene() "FilterCross2Gene" maxcrossdepth,
Derivation Trees mincrossdepth,
and maxtrials
(1 kid) of Derivation Trees xegaGpAllCrossGene() "CrossGene" maxcrossdepth,
and maxtrials
of Depth-Filtered xegaGpFilterCrossGene() "FilterCrossGene" maxcrossdepth,
Derivation Trees mincrossdepth,
and maxtrials


The table below summarizes the available mutation operators of the current version.

Algorithm: "sga" and "sge" Package: xegaGaGene
Name Function mutation= Influenced by
Bit Mutation xegaGaMutateGene() "MutateGene" bitmutrate
Individually xegaGaIVAdaptiveMutateGene() "IVM" bitmutrate,
Variable Bit bitmutrate2,
Mutation and cutoffFit
Algorithm: "sgde" Package: xegaDfGene
Differential xegaDfMutateGeneDE() "MutateGene" or lF$ScaleFactor()
Evolution Mutation "MutateGeneDe" (Configurable)
Algorithm: "sgperm" Package: xegaPermGene
Generalized Order xegaPermMutateGeneOrderBased() "MutateGene" bitmutrate
Based Mutation "MutateGeneOrderBased"
k Inversion xegaPermMutateGenekInversion() "MutateGenekInversion" lambda
2-Opt Mutation xegaPermMutateGene2Opt() "MutateGene2Opt" max2opt
k-Opt LK Mutation xegaPermMutateGenekOptLK() "MutateGenekOptLK" max2opt
Greedy Path xegaPermMutateGeneGreedy() "MutateGeneGreedy" lambda
Best Greedy Path xegaPermMutateGeneBestGreedy() "MutateGeneBestGreedy" lambda
Random Mutation xegaPermMutateMix() "MutateGeneMix"
Algorithm: "sgp" Package: xegaGpGene
Derivation Tree xegaGpMutateAllGene() "MutateGene" or maxmutdepth
Mutation "MutateAllGene"
Filtered Derivation xegaGpMutateGeneFilter() "MutateFilterGene" maxmutdepth,
Tree Mutation minmutinsertiondepth,
and maxmutinsertiondepth


Acceptance rules are extensions of genetic and evolutionary algorithms which to the best of my knowledge have their origin in simulated annealing. An acceptance rule compares the fitness value of a modified gene with the fitness value of its parent and determines which of the two genes is passed into the next population.

An acceptance rule is only executed as part of the genetic operator pipeline, if replicate="Kid1" or replicate="DE".

Two classes of acceptance rules are provided:

The cooling schedule updates the temperature parameter at the end of the main loop. The following cooling schedules are available:

See package xegaPopulation <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=xegaPopulation>


Decoders are algorithm and task dependent. Their implementation often makes use of a gene map. The table below summarizes the available decoders and gene maps of the current version.

Algorithm: "sga" "sgde" "sgperm"
In package: xegaGaGene xegaDfGene xegaPermGene
Decoder: xegaGaDecodeGene() xegaDfDecodeGene() xegaPermDecodeGene()
Gene map factories: xegaGaGeneMapFactory() xegaDfGeneMapFactory() (Not configurable)
Method "Bin2Dec" "Identity"
Method "Gray2Dec"
Method "Identity"
Method "Permutation"
Algorithm: "sgp" "sge"
In package: xegaGpGene xegaGeGene
Decoder: xegaGpDecodeGene() xegaGeDecodeGene()
Gene map factories: (Not configurable) xegaGeGeneMapFactory()
Method "Mod"
Method "Buck"


The method of evaluation of a gene is configured by evalmethod: "EvalGeneU" means that the function is always executed, "Deterministic" evaluates a gene only once, and "Stochastic" incrementally updates mean and variance of a stochastic function. If reportEvalErrors==TRUE, evaluation failures are reported. However, for grammatical evolution without gene repair this should be set to FALSE. See package xegaSelectGene <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=xegaSelectGene>

Distributed and Parallel Processing

The current scope of parallelization is the parallel evaluation of genes (the steps marked with (eval) in the genetic operator pipeline. This strategy is less efficient for differential evolution and permutation-based genetic algorithms because of the embedding of repeated evaluations into genetic operators.

In general, distributed and parallel processing requires a sequence of three steps:

  1. Configure and start the distributed or parallel infrastructure.

  2. Distribute processing and collect results. In a evolutionary or genetic algorithm the architectural pattern used for implementation coarse-grained parallelism by parallel evaluation of the fitness of the genes of a population is the master/worker pattern. In principle, the lapply()-function for evaluating a population of genes is replaced by a parallel version.

  3. Stop the distributed or parallel infrastructure.

For evolutionary and genetic algorithm, the second step is controlled by two parameters, namely executionModel and uParApply:

  1. If uParApply=NULL, then executionModel provides four ways of evaluating the fitness of a population of genes:

    1. executionModel="Sequential": The apply function used is base::lapply(). (Default).

    2. executionModel="MultiCore": The apply function used is parallel::mclapply(). If the number of cores is not specied by cores, the number of available cores is determined by parallelly::availableCores().

    3. executionModel="FutureApply": The apply function used is future.apply::future_lapply(). The parallel/distributed model depends on a proper future::plan() statement.

    4. executionModel="Cluster": The apply function used is parallel::parLapply(). The information about the configuration of the computing cluster (master, port, list of workers) must be provided by Cluster=cl where cl<-parallel::makeClusterPSOCK( rep(localhost, 5)) generates the cluster object and starts the R processes (of 5 workers in the same machine).

  2. Assume that a user-defined parallel apply function has been defined and called UPARAPPLY. By setting uParApply=UPARAPPLY, the lapply() function used is UPARAPPLY(). This overrides the specification by executionModel. For example, parallelization via the MPI interface can be achieved by providing a user-defined parallel lapply() function which is implemented by a user-defined function whose function body is the line Rmpi::mpi.parLapply( pop, FUN=EvalGene, lF=lF).

See package xegaPopulation <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=xegaPopulation>

Acknowledgment.The author acknowledges support by the state of Baden-Württemberg through bwHPC.


See Also

Other Main Program: xegaReRun()


a<-xegaRun(penv=Parabola2D, generations=10, popsize=20, verbose=0)
b<-xegaRun(penv=Parabola2D, algorithm="sga", generations=10, max=FALSE, 
   verbose=1, replay=5, profile=TRUE)
c<-xegaRun(penv=Parabola2D, max=FALSE, algorithm="sgde", 
   popsize=20, generations=50, 
   mutation="MutateGeneDE", scalefactor="Uniform", crossover="UCrossGene", 
   genemap="Identity", replication="DE", 
   selection="UniformP", mateselection="UniformP", accept="Best")
d<-xegaRun(penv=envXOR, grammar=BG, algorithm="sgp",  
   generations=5, popsize=20, verbose=0)
e<-xegaRun(penv=envXOR, grammar=BG, algorithm="sge", genemap="Mod",  
   generations=5, popsize=20, reportEvalErrors=FALSE, verbose=1)
f<-xegaRun(penv=lau15, max=FALSE, algorithm="sgperm", 
   genemap="Identity", mutation="MutateGeneMix")

[Package xega version Index]