booleanGrammar |
A constant function with a boolean grammar. |
compileBNF |
Compile a BNF. |
lau15 |
The problem environment lau15 |
NewEnvXOR |
Generate the problem environment EnvXOR |
Parabola2D |
Problem environment for a 2-dimensional quadratic parabola |
Parabola2DEarly |
Problem environment for a 2-dimensional quadratic parabola. |
sgXCrossoverFactory |
Factory for configuring a gene dependent Crossover function. |
sgXDecodeGeneFactory |
Factory for configuring a gene dependent DecodeGene function. |
sgXGeneMapFactory |
Factory for configuring a gene dependent geneMap function. |
sgXInitGeneFactory |
Factory for configuring a gene dependent InitGene function. |
sgXMutationFactory |
Factory for configuring a gene dependent Mutation function. |
sgXReplicationFactory |
Factory for configuring a gene dependent Replication function. |
xega |
Package xega |
xegaReRun |
Run an evolutionary or genetic algorithm with the same configuration as in the previous run. |
xegaRun |
Run an evolutionary or genetic algorithm for a problem environment which contains a function to optimize. |
xegaVersion |
About this version. |