Extended Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms

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Documentation for package ‘xega’ version

Help Pages

booleanGrammar A constant function with a boolean grammar.
compileBNF Compile a BNF.
lau15 The problem environment lau15
NewEnvXOR Generate the problem environment EnvXOR
Parabola2D Problem environment for a 2-dimensional quadratic parabola
Parabola2DEarly Problem environment for a 2-dimensional quadratic parabola.
sgXCrossoverFactory Factory for configuring a gene dependent Crossover function.
sgXDecodeGeneFactory Factory for configuring a gene dependent DecodeGene function.
sgXGeneMapFactory Factory for configuring a gene dependent geneMap function.
sgXInitGeneFactory Factory for configuring a gene dependent InitGene function.
sgXMutationFactory Factory for configuring a gene dependent Mutation function.
sgXReplicationFactory Factory for configuring a gene dependent Replication function.
xega Package xega
xegaReRun Run an evolutionary or genetic algorithm with the same configuration as in the previous run.
xegaRun Run an evolutionary or genetic algorithm for a problem environment which contains a function to optimize.
xegaVersion About this version.