Internal Fragment Identification from Top-Down Mass Spectrometry

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Documentation for package ‘wrTopDownFrag’ version 1.0.2

Help Pages

AAfragSettings Settings for AA fragments
addMassModif Add modifications to peptide mass
checkModTy Check & complete mixed of variable and fixed modifications
combinateAllAndSum Full combinatorial and cumulative values
countChildrenParent Identify Children/Parent settings as a+b=c
countPotModifAAs Make table with counts of potential modification sites
evalIsoFragm Evaluate selected lines of pepTab (iso-mass) for preferential cutting sites
fragmentSeq Fragment protein or peptide sequence
identifFixedModif Identify Fixed Modifications
makeFragments Make terminal and internal fragments from proteins
plotNTheor Plot the number of theoretical random fragments
scoreChargeCatch Scoring of charge catching potential for peptides