Whole Genome Average Interval Mapping for QTL Detection and Estimation using ASReml-R

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Documentation for package ‘wgaim’ version 2.0-1

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wgaim-package Whole Genome Average Interval Mapping (wgaim) for QTL detection and estimation
cross2int Convert a cross genetic object to an interval object
genoCxR Genotypic marker data for Cascades x RAC875-2 doubled haploid population in R/qtl format
genoRxK Genotypic marker data for RAC875 x Kukri doubled haploid population in R/qtl format
genoSxT Genotypic marker data for Sunco x Tasman doubled haploid population in R/qtl format
linkMap Plot a genetic linkage map
linkMap.cross Plot a genetic linkage map
linkMap.default Plot a genetic linkage map with QTL for multiple traits
linkMap.wgaim Plot a genetic linkage map with QTL
outStat A faceted ggplot of the chromosome outlier statistics or the interval blups/outlier statistics obtained from specified iteratons of wgaim.
phenoCxR Phenotypic Cascades x RAC875-2 zinc experiment data frame
phenoRxK Phenotypic RAC875 x Kukri trial data frame
phenoSxT Phenotypic Sunco x Tasman trial data frame
print.summary.wgaim Summary and print methods for the class '"wgaim"'
print.wgaim Summary and print methods for the class '"wgaim"'
qtlTable Stack QTL summary information into a super table
summary.wgaim Summary and print methods for the class '"wgaim"'
tr Display diagnostic information about the QTL detected.
tr.wgaim Display diagnostic information about the QTL detected.
wgaim wgaim method for class "asreml"
wgaim.asreml wgaim method for class "asreml"