Goodness-of-Fit Test for Weibull Distribution (Weibullness)

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Documentation for package ‘weibullness’ version 1.24.1

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bearings Dataset
dinvweibull The inverse Weibull distribution
ep.plot Exponential Probability Plot
ep.test The Exponential Goodness-of-Fit Test from the Exponential Probability Plot
ep.test.critical Critical Value for the Exponential Goodness-of-Fit test
ep.test.pvalue The p-value for the Exponential Goodness-of-Fit Test
Exponential.ANOVA.Quantiles Exponential quantile values
glassfiber1.5 Dataset
glassfiber15 Dataset
gp.plot Gumbel Probability Plot
gp.test Gumbel Goodness-of-Fit Test from a Gumbel Probability Plot
gp.test.critical Critical Value for the Gumbel Goodness-of-Fit Test
gp.test.pvalue The p-value for the Gumbel goodness-of-Fit Test Estimate of location and scale parameters of the Gumbel distribution
Gumbel.Plot.Quantiles Gumbel quantile values
inverse.Weibull.Plot.Quantiles Inverse Weibull quantile values
inverseWeibull The inverse Weibull distribution
invweibull.mle Maximum likelihood estimates of the two-parameter inverse Weibull distribution
IW.Plot.Quantiles Inverse Weibull quantile values
iwp.plot Inverse Weibull Probability Plot
iwp.test Weibullness Test from a inverse Weibull Plot
iwp.test.critical Critical Value for the inverse Weibullness Test
iwp.test.pvalue The p-value for the inverse Weibullness Test
pinvweibull The inverse Weibull distribution
qinvweibull The inverse Weibull distribution
radio.chemotherapy Dataset
radiotherapy Dataset
rinvweibull The inverse Weibull distribution
urinary Dataset
Wdata Dataset
weibull.ic Maximum likelihood estimates with interval censoring
weibull.mle Maximum likelihood estimates of three-parameter Weibull distribution
Weibull.Plot.Quantiles Weibull quantile values
weibull.rm Robust estimate of shape and scale parameters of Weibull using the repeated median method
weibull.threshold Estimate of threshold parameter of three-parameter Weibull distribution
weibull.wp Estimate of shape and scale parameters of Weibull using the Weibull plot
weibullness Weibullness Test from a Weibull Plot
wp.plot Weibull Plot
wp.test Weibullness Test from a Weibull Plot
wp.test.critical Critical Value for the Weibullness Test
wp.test.pvalue The p-value for the Weibullness Test