wi_th {webmockr}R Documentation

Set additional parts of a stubbed request


Set query params, request body, request headers and/or basic_auth


wi_th(.data, ..., .list = list())



input. Anything that can be coerced to a StubbedRequest class object


Comma separated list of named variables. accepts the following: query, body, headers, basic_auth. See Details.


named list, has to be one of query, body, headers and/or basic_auth. An alternative to passing in via .... Don't pass the same thing to both, e.g. don't pass 'query' to ..., and also 'query' to this parameter


with is a function in the base package, so we went with wi_th

Values for query, body, headers, and basic_auth:

Note that there is no regex matching on query, body, or headers. They are tested for matches in the following ways:


an object of class StubbedRequest, with print method describing the stub


see more examples in stub_request()


# first, make a stub object
req <- stub_request("post", "https://httpbin.org/post")

# add body
# list
wi_th(req, body = list(foo = "bar"))
# string
wi_th(req, body = '{"foo": "bar"}')
# raw
wi_th(req, body = charToRaw('{"foo": "bar"}'))
# numeric
wi_th(req, body = 5)
# an upload
wi_th(req, body = crul::upload(system.file("CITATION")))
# wi_th(req, body = httr::upload_file(system.file("CITATION")))

# add query - has to be a named list
wi_th(req, query = list(foo = "bar"))

# add headers - has to be a named list
wi_th(req, headers = list(foo = "bar"))
wi_th(req, headers = list(`User-Agent` = "webmockr/v1", hello="world"))

# .list - pass in a named list instead
wi_th(req, .list = list(body = list(foo = "bar")))

# basic authentication
wi_th(req, basic_auth = c("user", "pass"))
wi_th(req, basic_auth = c("user", "pass"), headers = list(foo = "bar"))

[Package webmockr version 1.0.0 Index]