Adapter | Adapters for Modifying HTTP Requests |
build_crul_request | Build a crul request |
build_crul_response | Build a crul response |
build_httr2_request | Build an httr2 request |
build_httr2_response | Build a httr2 response ('httr2_response') |
build_httr_request | Build a httr request |
build_httr_response | Build a httr response |
CrulAdapter | Adapters for Modifying HTTP Requests |
disable | Enable or disable webmockr |
enable | Enable or disable webmockr |
enabled | Enable or disable webmockr |
HashCounter | HashCounter |
HttpLibAdapaterRegistry | HttpLibAdapaterRegistry |
Httr2Adapter | Adapters for Modifying HTTP Requests |
httr2_mock | Turn on 'httr2' mocking |
HttrAdapter | Adapters for Modifying HTTP Requests |
httr_mock | Turn on 'httr' mocking |
mocking-disk-writing | Mocking writing to disk |
mock_file | Mock file |
pluck_body | Extract the body from an HTTP request |
remove_request_stub | Remove a request stub |
RequestPattern | RequestPattern class |
RequestRegistry | RequestRegistry |
RequestSignature | RequestSignature |
request_registry | List or clear requests in the request registry |
request_registry_clear | List or clear requests in the request registry |
Response | Response |
StubbedRequest | StubbedRequest |
StubCounter | StubCounter |
StubRegistry | StubRegistry |
stub_registry | List stubs in the stub registry |
stub_registry_clear | stub_registry_clear |
stub_request | Stub an http request |
to_raise | Set raise error condition |
to_return | Expectation for what's returned from a stubbed request |
to_timeout | Set timeout as an expected return on a match |
webmockr-defunct | Defunct functions in 'webmockr' |
webmockr_allow_net_connect | webmockr configuration |
webmockr_configuration | webmockr configuration |
webmockr_configure | webmockr configuration |
webmockr_configure_reset | webmockr configuration |
webmockr_disable_net_connect | webmockr configuration |
webmockr_net_connect_allowed | webmockr configuration |
webmockr_reset | webmockr_reset |
wi_th | Set additional parts of a stubbed request |