Stubbing and Setting Expectations on 'HTTP' Requests

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Documentation for package ‘webmockr’ version 0.9.0

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webmockr-package webmockr
Adapter Adapters for Modifying HTTP Requests
build_crul_request Build a crul request
build_crul_response Build a crul response
build_httr_request Build a httr request
build_httr_response Build a httr response
CrulAdapter Adapters for Modifying HTTP Requests
disable Enable or disable webmockr
enable Enable or disable webmockr
enabled Enable or disable webmockr
HashCounter HashCounter
HttpLibAdapaterRegistry HttpLibAdapaterRegistry
HttrAdapter Adapters for Modifying HTTP Requests
httr_mock Turn on httr mocking Sets a callback that routes httr request through webmockr
mocking-disk-writing Mocking writing to disk
mock_file Mock file
pluck_body Extract the body from an HTTP request
remove_request_stub Remove a request stub
RequestPattern RequestPattern class
RequestRegistry RequestRegistry
RequestSignature RequestSignature
request_registry List or clear requests in the request registry
request_registry_clear List or clear requests in the request registry
Response Response
StubbedRequest StubbedRequest
StubCounter StubCounter
StubRegistry StubRegistry
stub_registry List stubs in the stub registry
stub_registry_clear stub_registry_clear
stub_request Stub an http request
to_raise Set raise error condition
to_return Expectation for what's returned from a stubbed request
to_timeout Set timeout as an expected return on a match
webmockr webmockr
webmockr-defunct Defunct functions in 'webmockr'
webmockr_allow_net_connect webmockr configuration
webmockr_configuration webmockr configuration
webmockr_configure webmockr configuration
webmockr_configure_reset webmockr configuration
webmockr_disable_net_connect webmockr configuration
webmockr_net_connect_allowed webmockr configuration
webmockr_reset webmockr_reset
wi_th Set additional parts of a stubbed request