A Modular Platform for Reproducible Modeling of Species Niches and Distributions

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Documentation for package ‘wallace’ version 2.1.2

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wallace-package _Wallace_: A modular platform for reproducible ecological modeling
create_module Create a Wallace module
ecoClimate_getdata ecoClimate_getdata
ecoClimate_select ecoClimate_select
envs_ecoClimate envs_ecoClimate Obtain ecoClimate variables
envs_userEnvs envs_userEnvs
envs_worldclim envs_worldclim Obtain WorldClim variables
espace_nicheOv espace_nicheOv Niche Overlap
espace_occDens Occurrence density grid
espace_pca espace_pca Principal component analysis
model_bioclim model_bioclim Generate Bioclim model
model_maxent model_maxent Generate maxent.jar or maxnet model
occs_queryDb occs_queryDb Query online database for species occurrence records.
occs_userOccs occs_userOccs Loads user provided occurrence records
part_partitionOccs part_partitionOccs Partition occurrence data
penvs_bgExtent penvs_bgExtent Generate background extent
penvs_bgMask penvs_bgMask Mask environmental data
penvs_bgSample penvs_bgSample Sample background points
penvs_drawBgExtent penvs_drawBgExtent: Draw background extent
penvs_userBgExtent penvs_userBgExtent: user provided background extent
poccs_removeByID poccs_removeByID Remove occurrence by ID
poccs_selectOccs poccs_selectOccs Remove occurrences outside of polygon
poccs_thinOccs poocs_thinOccs Thin occurrences
register_module Register a Wallace module
run_wallace Run _Wallace_ Application
vis_bioclimPlot vis_bioclimPlot Visualize bivariate plot of BIOCLIM model
wallace _Wallace_: A modular platform for reproducible ecological modeling
xfer_area xfer_area Transfer model to a new area
xfer_draw xfer_draw Draw extent of transfer
xfer_mess xfer_mess generate MESS map for transferred raster
xfer_time xfer_time Transfer model to a new time
xfer_userEnvs xfer_userEnvs Transfer model to user specified area and time
xfer_userExtent xfer_userExtent: user provided extent of transfer