vpc-package | VPC package |
add_noise | Add noise / residual error to data |
add_sim_index_number | Add sim index number |
add_stratification | Adds stratification to data set |
auto_bin | Calculate appropriate bin separators for vpc |
auto_bin.data.frame | Calculate appropriate bin separators for vpc |
auto_bin.numeric | Calculate appropriate bin separators for vpc |
bin_data | Function to bin data based on a vector of bin separators, e.g. for use in VPC |
check_stratification_columns_available | Check whether stratification columns are available |
compute_kaplan | Compute Kaplan-Meier statistics |
compute_kmmc | Compute KMMC statistics |
create_vpc_theme | Create new vpc theme |
define_data_columns | Define data column defaults for various softwares |
draw_params_mvr | Draw parameters from multivariate distribution |
loq_perc | Calculate percentiles below / above lloq / uloq |
new_vpc_theme | Create a customized VPC theme |
pk_iv_1cmt | Simulate PK data from a 1-compartment iv model |
pk_oral_1cmt | Simulate PK data from a 1-compartment oral model |
plot_vpc | VPC plotting function |
quantile_cens | Calculate quantiles respecting the censored data |
read_table_nm | NONMEM output table import function |
replace_list_elements | Replace list elements by name |
rtte_obs_nm | Simulated RTTE data (1x) |
rtte_sim_nm | Simulated RTTE data (100x) |
show_default | Defaults for show argument |
show_default_tte | Defaults for show argument for TTE VPC |
simple_data | A small rich dataset |
sim_data | Simulate data based on a model and parameter distributions |
theme_empty | Empty ggplot2 theme |
theme_plain | A nicer default theme for ggplot2 |
triangle_to_full | Lower to full triangle |
vpc | VPC function |
vpc.default | VPC function |
vpc_cat | VPC function for categorical |
vpc_cens | VPC function for left- or right-censored data (e.g. BLOQ data) |
vpc_tte | VPC function for time-to-event (survival) data |
vpc_vpc | VPC function |