alt.desc |
alt.desc |
approxWeights |
Monte Carlo approximation of chi-bar-square weights |
bootinvFIM |
Approximation of the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix via parametric bootstrap |
bootinvFIM.lme |
Compute the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix using parametric bootstrap |
bootinvFIM.merMod |
Compute the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix using parametric bootstrap |
bootinvFIM.SaemixObject |
Compute the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix using parametric bootstrap |
bootstrap |
Approximation of the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix via parametric bootstrap |
dfChiBarSquare |
Chi-bar-square degrees of freedom computation |
eqCstr |
Internal functions for constrained minimization |
extractFIM.lme |
Extract FIM |
extractStruct |
Extracting models' structures |
extractStruct.lme |
Extract model structure |
extractStruct.merMod |
Extract model structure |
extractStruct.SaemixObject |
Extract model structure |
extractVarCov |
Extract covariance matrix |
extractVarCov.lme |
Extract covariance matrix |
extractVarCov.merMod |
Extract covariance matrix |
fim.vctest |
Extract the Fisher Information Matrix |
gradObjFunction |
Internal functions for constrained minimization |
ineqCstr |
Internal functions for constrained minimization |
invFIM |
Approximation of the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix via parametric bootstrap |
jacobianEqCstr |
Internal functions for constrained minimization |
jacobianIneqCstr |
Internal functions for constrained minimization |
null.desc |
null.desc |
objFunction |
Internal functions for constrained minimization |
pckName |
Extract package name from a fitted mixed-effects model |
print.desc.message |
print.desc.message |
print.res.message |
print.res.message |
print.vctest |
Print |
summary.vctest |
Summary |
symMatrixFromVect |
Internal functions for constrained minimization |
varCompTest |
Variance component testing |
varCompTest.lme |
Variance component testing |
varCompTest.lme4 |
Variance component testing |
varCompTest.merMod |
Variance component testing |
varCompTest.saemix |
Variance component testing |
varCompTest.SaemixObject |
Variance component testing |
weightsChiBarSquare |
Monte Carlo approximation of chi-bar-square weights |