change_group |
Change Group ID |
coef |
Extract the Group-Specific Coefficients |
coef.vicc |
Extract the Group-Specific Coefficients |
fixef |
Extract Fixed Effects |
fixef.vicc |
Extract Fixed Effects |
flanker |
Data: Flanker Task data from Hedge et al. (2018). |
pip |
Posterior Inclusion Probabilities |
plot.pip |
Plot 'pip' Objects |
plot.vicc |
Plot 'vicc' Objects |
posterior_samples |
Extract Posterior Samples |
print.pip |
Print 'pip' Objects |
print.vicc |
Print 'vicc' Objects |
ranef |
Extract the Random Effects |
ranef.vicc |
Extract the Random Effects |
vicc |
Varying Intraclass Correlation Coefficients |