The Unifed Distribution

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Documentation for package ‘unifed’ version 1.1.6

Help Pages Car insurance claims
dirwin.hall Irwin-Hall density
dunifed The unifed distribution
punifed The unifed distribution
quasiunifed Family object for the unifed distribution
qunifed The unifed distribution
runifed The unifed distribution
summary_unifed_glm Summarizing Generalized Linear Model Fits
unifed Family object for the unifed distribution Family object for the unifed distribution
unifed.deviance Deviance of the unifed distribution
unifed.kappa Cumulant generator of the unifed distribution Cumulant generator of the unifed distribution Cumulant generator of the unifed distribution Cumulant generator of the unifed distribution Cumulant generator of the unifed distribution
unifed.lcdf The unifed distribution
unifed.mle Maximum Likelihood Estimate for the unifed distribution
unifed.stan Stan functions for working with the unifed distribution
unifed.stan.folder Unifed Stan function paths
unifed.stan.path Unifed Stan function paths
unifed.unit.deviance Deviance of the unifed distribution
unifed.varf Variance function of the unifed distribution