vecDraw {uavRmp} | R Documentation |
digitizing vector features using a simple leaflet base map
vecDraw is designed for straightforward digitizing of simple geometries without adding attributes. It provides a bunch of leaflet base maps and optionally a sf* object can be loaded for orientation.
mapCenter = NULL,
zoom = 15,
line = TRUE,
rectangle = TRUE,
poly = TRUE,
circle = TRUE,
point = TRUE,
remove = TRUE,
position = "topright",
maplayer = c("CartoDB.Positron", "OpenStreetMap", "Esri.WorldImagery",
"Thunderforest.Landscape", "OpenTopoMap"),
overlay = NULL,
preset = "all",
locPreset = "muf",
cex = 10,
lwd = 2,
opacity = 0.7
mapCenter |
center of the leaflet map |
zoom |
set initial zoom level of leaflet map |
line |
enable/disable line tool |
rectangle |
enable/disable polygon tool |
poly |
enable/disable polygon tool |
circle |
enable/disable circle tool |
point |
enable/disable point tool |
remove |
enable/disable the remove feature of the draw tool |
position |
toolbar layout (topright, topleft, bottomright, bottomleft) |
maplayer |
string as provided by leaflet-provider |
overlay |
optional sp* object may used for orientation |
preset |
character default is "uav" for line based mission digitizing, "ext" for rectangles, NULL for all drawing items |
locPreset |
character location preset, default is "muf" for Marburg University Forest, "tra" Traddelstein, "hag" Hagenstein, "baw" Bayerwald. |
cex |
size of item |
lwd |
line width of item |
opacity |
opacity of item |
Yu can either save the digitized object to a json (JS) or kml (KML) file.
## Not run:
# fully featured without overlay
# preset for digitizing uav flight areas using Meuse data set as overlay
sp::coordinates(meuse) <- ~x+y
sp::proj4string(meuse) <-CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
m <- sp::spTransform(meuse,CRSobj = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
vecDraw(overlay = m, preset = "uav")
# preset for digitizing simple rectangles extents
vecDraw(preset="ext",overlay = m)
## End(Not run)