uGMAR-package |
uGMAR: Estimate Univariate Gaussian and Student's t Mixture Autoregressive Models |
add_data |
Add data to object of class 'gsmar' defining a GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
alt_gsmar |
Construct a GSMAR model based on results from an arbitrary estimation round of 'fitGSMAR' |
calc_gradient |
Calculate gradient or Hessian matrix |
calc_hessian |
Calculate gradient or Hessian matrix |
condmomentPlot |
DEPRECATED, USE 'cond_moment_plot' INSTEAD! Conditional mean or variance plot for GMAR, StMAR, and G-StMAR models |
condMoments |
DEPRECATED, USE 'cond_moments' INSTEAD! Calculate conditional moments of GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
cond_moments |
Calculate conditional moments of GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
cond_moment_plot |
Conditional mean or variance plot for GMAR, StMAR, and G-StMAR models |
diagnosticPlot |
DEPRECATED, USE 'diagnostic_plot' INSTEAD! Quantile residual based diagnostic plots for GMAR, StMAR, and G-StMAR models |
diagnostic_plot |
Quantile residual based diagnostic plots for GMAR, StMAR, and G-StMAR models |
fitGSMAR |
Estimate Gaussian or Student's t Mixture Autoregressive model |
GAfit |
Genetic algorithm for preliminary estimation of GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
get_ar_roots |
Calculate absolute values of the roots of the AR characteristic polynomials |
get_foc |
Calculate gradient or Hessian matrix |
get_gradient |
Calculate gradient or Hessian matrix |
get_hessian |
Calculate gradient or Hessian matrix |
get_regime_autocovs |
Calculate regime specific autocovariances *gamma*_{m,p} |
get_regime_means |
Calculate regime specific means mu_{m} |
get_regime_vars |
Calculate regime specific variances gamma_{m,0} |
get_soc |
Calculate gradient or Hessian matrix |
Create object of class 'gsmar' defining a GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
isStationary |
DEPRECATED, USE 'is_stationary' INSTEAD! Check the stationary condition of specified GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model. |
is_stationary |
Check the stationary condition of specified GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model. |
iterate_more |
Maximum likelihood estimation of GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model with preliminary estimates |
logLik.gsmar |
Create object of class 'gsmar' defining a GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
loglikelihood |
Compute the log-likelihood of GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
LR_test |
Perform likelihood ratio test |
M10Y1Y |
Spread between 10-Year and 1-Year Treasury rates: M10Y1Y |
mixingWeights |
DEPRECATED, USE 'mixing_weights' INSTEAD! Calculate mixing weights of GMAR, StMAR or G-StMAR model |
mixing_weights |
Calculate mixing weights of GMAR, StMAR or G-StMAR model |
pick_pars |
Pick phi_0 (or mu), AR-coefficients, and variance parameters from a parameter vector |
plot.gsmar |
Create object of class 'gsmar' defining a GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
plot.gsmarpred |
Plot method for class 'gsmarpred' objects |
plot.qrtest |
Quantile residual tests for GMAR, StMAR , and G-StMAR models |
predict.gsmar |
Forecast GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR process |
print.gsmar |
Create object of class 'gsmar' defining a GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
print.gsmarpred |
Print method for class 'gsmarpred' objects |
print.gsmarsum |
Print method from objects of class 'gsmarsum' |
print.qrtest |
Quantile residual tests for GMAR, StMAR , and G-StMAR models |
profile_logliks |
Plot profile log-likelihoods around the estimates |
quantileResidualPlot |
DEPRECATED, USE 'quantile_residual_plot' INSTEAD! Plot quantile residual time series and histogram |
quantileResiduals |
DEPRECATED, USE 'quantile_residuals' INSTEAD! Compute quantile residuals of GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
quantileResidualTests |
DEPRECATED, USE 'quantile_residual_tests' INSTEAD! Quantile residual tests for GMAR, StMAR , and G-StMAR models |
quantile_residuals |
Compute quantile residuals of GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
quantile_residual_plot |
Plot quantile residual time series and histogram |
quantile_residual_tests |
Quantile residual tests for GMAR, StMAR , and G-StMAR models |
randomIndividual |
DEPRECATED, USE 'random_ind' OR 'smart_ind' INSTEAD! Create random GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model compatible parameter vector |
random_ind |
Create random GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model compatible parameter vector |
reform_parameters |
Reform any parameter vector into standard form. |
residuals.gsmar |
Create object of class 'gsmar' defining a GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
simudata |
Simulated data |
simulate.gsmar |
Simulate obsercations from GMAR, StMAR, and G-StMAR processes |
simulateGSMAR |
DEPRECATED, USE 'simulate.gsmar' INSTEAD! Simulate observations from GMAR, StMAR, and G-StMAR processes |
smartIndividual |
DEPRECATED, USE 'random_ind' OR 'smart_ind' INSTEAD! Create random GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model compatible parameter vector |
smart_ind |
Create random GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model compatible parameter vector |
stmarpars_to_gstmar |
Transform a StMAR or G-StMAR model parameter vector to a corresponding G-StMAR model parameter vector with large dfs parameters reduced. |
stmar_to_gstmar |
Estimate a G-StMAR model based on a StMAR model with large degrees of freedom parameters |
summary.gsmar |
Create object of class 'gsmar' defining a GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
swap_parametrization |
Swap the parametrization of object of class 'gsmar' defining a GMAR, StMAR, or G-StMAR model |
T10Y1Y |
Spread between 10-Year and 1-Year Treasury rates: T10Y1Y |
Spread between the 3-month Treasury bill rate and the effective federal funds rate: TBFF |
uGMAR: Estimate Univariate Gaussian and Student's t Mixture Autoregressive Models |
uncond_moments |
Calculate unconditional mean, variance, first p autocovariances and autocorrelations of the GSMAR process. |
Wald_test |
Perform Wald test |