Time Series Feature Extraction

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Documentation for package ‘tsfeatures’ version 1.1.1

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acf_features Autocorrelation-based features
ac_9 Autocorrelation at lag 9. Included for completion and consistency.
arch_stat ARCH LM Statistic
as.list.mts Convert mts object to list of time series
autocorr_features The autocorrelation feature set from software package 'hctsa'
binarize_mean Converts an input vector into a binarized version from software package 'hctsa'
compengine CompEngine feature set
crossing_points Number of crossing points
dist_features The distribution feature set from software package 'hctsa'
embed2_incircle Points inside a given circular boundary in a 2-d embedding space from software package 'hctsa'
entropy Spectral entropy of a time series
firstmin_ac Time of first minimum in the autocorrelation function from software package 'hctsa'
firstzero_ac The first zero crossing of the autocorrelation function from software package 'hctsa'
flat_spots Longest flat spot
fluctanal_prop_r1 Implements fluctuation analysis from software package 'hctsa'
heterogeneity Heterogeneity coefficients
histogram_mode Mode of a data vector from software package 'hctsa'
holt_parameters Parameter estimates of Holt's linear trend method
hurst Hurst coefficient
hw_parameters Parameter estimates of Holt's linear trend method
localsimple_taures The first zero crossing of the autocorrelation function of the residuals from Simple local time-series forecasting from software package 'hctsa'
lumpiness Time series features based on tiled windows
max_kl_shift Time series features based on sliding windows
max_level_shift Time series features based on sliding windows
max_var_shift Time series features based on sliding windows
motiftwo_entro3 Local motifs in a binary symbolization of the time series from software package 'hctsa'
nonlinearity Nonlinearity coefficient
outlierinclude_mdrmd How median depend on distributional outliers from software package 'hctsa'
pacf_features Partial autocorrelation-based features
pred_features The prediction feature set from software package 'hctsa'
sampenc Second Sample Entropy from software package 'hctsa'
sampen_first Second Sample Entropy of a time series from software package 'hctsa'
scal_features The scaling feature set from software package 'hctsa'
spreadrandomlocal_meantaul Bootstrap-based stationarity measure from software package 'hctsa'
stability Time series features based on tiled windows
station_features The stationarity feature set from software package 'hctsa'
std1st_der Standard deviation of the first derivative of the time series from software package 'hctsa'
stl_features Strength of trend and seasonality of a time series
trev_num Normalized nonlinear autocorrelation, the numerator of the trev function of a time series from software package 'hctsa'
tsfeatures Time series feature matrix
unitroot_kpss Unit Root Test Statistics
unitroot_pp Unit Root Test Statistics
walker_propcross Simulates a hypothetical walker moving through the time domain from software package 'hctsa'
yahoo_data Yahoo server metrics
zero_proportion Proportion of zeros