Generate Starting Trees for Combined Molecular, Morphological and Stratigraphic Data

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Documentation for package ‘treestartr’ version 0.1.0

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treestartr-package treestartr: A package for generating reasonable starting trees for phylogenetic analysis.
absent_list bears
absent_tippr Add tips to tree via user input
bears bears
dataf_parsr Detect file format of taxon file
echo_rb Print RevBayes-formatted clade constriants.
echo_subtree Print subtrees with tips added.
fileformat Utility function to check if file is a csv or tsv.
genera_strippr Check if tip is on tree
get_found Get dataframe of tips that do not have congeners on tree.
get_lost Determine if a tip is present on a tree
make_absentdf Determine which tips are not on the tree, and get their genera.
make_treedf Determine which tips are on the tree, and get their genera.
mrca_df bears
present_tippr Add tips to the tree based on taxonomy.
rand_absent_tippr Random addition of taxa
taxon_testr Utility function to check taxon_names in parsed data file
tax_frame bears
text_placr Add tips to tree via taxon list
tree bears
treestartr treestartr: A package for generating reasonable starting trees for phylogenetic analysis.