Penalised Regression with Multiple Sets of Prior Effects

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Documentation for package ‘transreg’ version 1.0.2

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transreg-package Penalised regression with multiple sets of prior effects
.coef.sim Internal functions
.coef.sta Internal functions
.exp.multiple Internal functions Internal functions
.iso.multiple Internal functions
.iso.slow.single Internal functions
.predict.sim Internal functions
.predict.sta Internal functions
.residuals Calculate residuals
.signdisc Sign discovery
.weights.sim Internal functions
.weights.sta Internal functions
.which.stack Internal functions
calibrate Internal functions
coef.transreg Extract Coefficients
compare Cross-validation (reproducibility)
extract Internal functions
fitted.transreg Fitted values
plot.transreg Plot transreg-object
predict.transreg Make Predictions
print.transreg Print transreg-object
simulate Simulation (reproducibility)
transreg Penalised regression with multiple sets of prior effects
weights.transreg Extract Weights