Animal Trajectory Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘trajr’ version 1.5.1

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ElapsedTimeProgressBarFn A general purpose progress bar that reports elapsed time rather than number of items
lines.Trajectory Add Trajectory lines to a plot
plot.TrajDirectionAutocorrelations Plot method for direction autocorrelation
plot.Trajectory Plot method for trajectories
plot.TrajSpeedIntervals Plot method for trajectory speed intervals
points.Trajectory Add Trajectory points to a plot
Traj3DDistance 3D Trajectory distance
Traj3DFromCoords Create a 3D Trajectory Object
Traj3DLength 3D trajectory length
Traj3DRediscretize Resample a 3D trajectory to a constant step length
Traj3DResampleTime Resample a 3D trajectory to a constant time interval
Traj3DSmoothSG Smooth a 3D trajectory using a Savitzky-Golay filter
Traj3DStepLengths 3D trajectory step lengths
Traj3DStraightness Straightness of a 3D Trajectory
TrajAcceleration Approximates the acceleration of a trajectory
TrajAngles Turning angles of a Trajectory
TrajConvertTime Converts a delimited time string to a numeric value
TrajDAFindFirstMaximum First direction autocorrelation minimum/maximum
TrajDAFindFirstMinimum First direction autocorrelation minimum/maximum
TrajDAMinMax First direction autocorrelation minimum/maximum
TrajDerivatives Calculates trajectory speed and change of speed
TrajDirectionalChange Directional change (DC)
TrajDirectionAutocorrelations Direction autocorrelation
TrajDistance Trajectory distance
TrajDuration Trajectory duration
TrajEmax Trajectory straightness index, E-max
TrajExpectedSquareDisplacement Trajectory expected square displacement
TrajFractalDimension Fractal dimension of a trajectory
TrajFractalDimensionValues Fractal dimension calculation
TrajFromCoords Create a Trajectory Object
TrajFromTrjPoints Create a trajectory from a subset of another
TrajGenerate Generate a random trajectory
TrajGetFPS Trajectory frames-per-second
TrajGetNCoords Trajectory number of coordinates
TrajGetTimeUnits Trajectory temporal units
TrajGetUnits Trajectory spatial units
TrajInPolygon Test whether each of the points in a trajectory lie inside a polygon
TrajLength Trajectory length
TrajLogSequence Logarithmically spaced sequence
TrajMeanVectorOfTurningAngles Mean vector of turning angles
TrajMeanVelocity Trajectory mean velocity
TrajMerge Combine multiple trajectories into a single whole trajectory
TrajRediscretize Resample a trajectory to a constant step length
TrajResampleTime Resample a trajectory to a constant time interval.
TrajReverse Reverse a trajectory
TrajRotate Rotate a trajectory
TrajsBuild Construct multiple trajectories
TrajScale Scale a trajectory
TrajSinuosity Sinuosity of a trajectory
TrajSinuosity2 Sinuosity of a trajectory
TrajsMergeStats Merge trajectory characteristics
TrajSmoothSG Smooth a trajectory using a Savitzky-Golay filter
TrajSpeedIntervals Calculate speed time intervals
TrajSplit Split a trajectory into multiple sections
TrajSplitAtFirstCrossing Split a trajectory into two parts, separated at the first boundary crossing
TrajsStatsReplaceNAs Replace NAs in a data frame
TrajsStepLengths Step lengths of multiple trajectories
TrajStepLengths Trajectory step lengths
TrajStraightness Straightness of a Trajectory
TrajTranslate Translate a trajectory
TrajVelocity Velocity of a trajectory