%||% | Resolve a variable to a default when NULL |
allEqual | Test whether all elements of a vector are equal |
angleBetweenVectors | Miscellaneous vector functions |
asMriImage | Creating MriImage objects from data |
augmentedInfoPanel | A simple interactive viewer for MriImage objects |
copyImageFiles | Working with MRI images stored in various formats |
createContactSheetGraphic | Visualise MriImage objects |
createNeighbourhoodInfo | Image neighbourhoods |
createProjectionGraphic | Visualise MriImage objects |
createSliceGraphic | Visualise MriImage objects |
deduplicate | Concatenate and deduplicate vectors |
deserialiseReferenceObject | Reference object serialisation and deserialisation |
DicomMetadata | The DicomMetadata class |
DicomMetadata-class | The DicomMetadata class |
embrace | Combine similar strings into one |
emptyMatrix | The empty matrix |
ensureFileSuffix | Functions for file name and path manipulation |
equivalent | Test two numeric vectors for equivalence |
execute | Find or run an external executable file |
expandFileName | Functions for file name and path manipulation |
extractMriImage | Creating MriImage objects from data |
fi | Shorthand anonymous functions |
fx | Shorthand anonymous functions |
fxy | Shorthand anonymous functions |
fxyz | Shorthand anonymous functions |
getColourScale | Obtaining colour scales |
identifyImageFileNames | Working with MRI images stored in various formats |
imageFileExists | Working with MRI images stored in various formats |
implode | Create a character string by concatenating the elements of a vector |
indexList | Extract one or more elements from a list |
infix | Resolve a variable to a default when NULL |
is.emptyMatrix | The empty matrix |
is.nilObject | The nil object |
isDeserialisable | Reference object serialisation and deserialisation |
locateExecutable | Find or run an external executable file |
matchPaths | Functions for file name and path manipulation |
mergeMriImages | Merging MriImage objects |
MriImage | The MriImage class |
MriImage-class | The MriImage class |
neighbourhoodInfo | Image neighbourhoods |
newSparseArrayWithData | Create a SparseArray object |
nilObject | The nil object |
paths | Functions for file name and path manipulation |
pluralise | Number agreement with a vector |
polarPlotPanel | A simple interactive viewer for MriImage objects |
printLabelledValues | Pretty print labelled information |
promote | Promote a vector to a single-column or single-row matrix |
readDicomDirectory | Read a directory of DICOM files |
readDicomFile | Read a DICOM file into a DicomMetadata object |
readImageFile | Working with MRI images stored in various formats |
registerDeserialiser | Reference object serialisation and deserialisation |
registerPathHandler | Functions for file name and path manipulation |
relativePath | Functions for file name and path manipulation |
removeImageFiles | Working with MRI images stored in various formats |
reorderMriImage | Creating MriImage objects from data |
resolvePath | Functions for file name and path manipulation |
resolveVector | Miscellaneous vector functions |
SerialisableObject | The SerialisableObject class |
SerialisableObject-class | The SerialisableObject class |
serialisation | Reference object serialisation and deserialisation |
serialiseReferenceObject | Reference object serialisation and deserialisation |
sortDicomDirectories | Sort a directory of DICOM files into series |
SparseArray | The SparseArray class |
SparseArray-class | The SparseArray class |
symlinkImageFiles | Working with MRI images stored in various formats |
threadSafeTempFile | Obtain thread-safe temporary file names |
TractorObject | The TractorObject class |
TractorObject-class | The TractorObject class |
trimMriImage | Creating MriImage objects from data |
vectorCrossProduct | Miscellaneous vector functions |
vectorLength | Miscellaneous vector functions |
viewImages | A simple interactive viewer for MriImage objects |
visualisation | Visualise MriImage objects |
where | Compact conditional values |
writeImageFile | Working with MRI images stored in various formats |
[-method | Indexing methods |
[<--method | Indexing methods |