linalg_solve {torch}R Documentation

Computes the solution of a square system of linear equations with a unique solution.


Letting K\mathbb{K} be R\mathbb{R} or C\mathbb{C}, this function computes the solution XKn×kX \in \mathbb{K}^{n \times k} of the linear system associated to AKn×n,BKm×kA \in \mathbb{K}^{n \times n}, B \in \mathbb{K}^{m \times k}, which is defined as


linalg_solve(A, B)



(Tensor): tensor of shape ⁠(*, n, n)⁠ where * is zero or more batch dimensions.


(Tensor): right-hand side tensor of shape ⁠(*, n)⁠ or ⁠(*, n, k)⁠ or ⁠(n,)⁠ or ⁠(n, k)⁠ according to the rules described above



This system of linear equations has one solution if and only if AA is invertible_. This function assumes that AA is invertible. Supports inputs of float, double, cfloat and cdouble dtypes. Also supports batches of matrices, and if the inputs are batches of matrices then the output has the same batch dimensions.

Letting * be zero or more batch dimensions,

This function then returns the solution of the resulting batch of systems of linear equations.


This function computes X = A$inverse() @ B in a faster and more numerically stable way than performing the computations separately.

See Also

Other linalg: linalg_cholesky_ex(), linalg_cholesky(), linalg_det(), linalg_eigh(), linalg_eigvalsh(), linalg_eigvals(), linalg_eig(), linalg_householder_product(), linalg_inv_ex(), linalg_inv(), linalg_lstsq(), linalg_matrix_norm(), linalg_matrix_power(), linalg_matrix_rank(), linalg_multi_dot(), linalg_norm(), linalg_pinv(), linalg_qr(), linalg_slogdet(), linalg_solve_triangular(), linalg_svdvals(), linalg_svd(), linalg_tensorinv(), linalg_tensorsolve(), linalg_vector_norm()


if (torch_is_installed()) {
A <- torch_randn(3, 3)
b <- torch_randn(3)
x <- linalg_solve(A, b)
torch_allclose(torch_matmul(A, x), b)

[Package torch version 0.13.0 Index]