Tools for Uplift Modeling

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Documentation for package ‘tools4uplift’ version 1.0.0

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barplot.PerformanceUplift Uplift barplot
BestFeatures Qini-based feature selection
BinUplift Univariate quantization
BinUplift2d Bivariate quantization
DualUplift Two-model estimator
DualUplift.default Two-model estimator
DualUplift.formula Two-model estimator
InterUplift Interaction estimator
InterUplift.default Interaction estimator
InterUplift.formula Interaction estimator
LassoPath LASSO path for the penalized logistic regression
lines.PerformanceUplift Qini curve
PerformanceUplift Performance of an uplift estimator
plot.PerformanceUplift Qini curve
predict.BinUplift Prediction from univariate quantization
predict.DualUplift Predictions from a two-model estimator
predict.InterUplift Predictions from an interaction estimator
print.DualUplift Two-model estimator
print.PerformanceUplift Performance of an uplift estimator
QiniArea Qini coefficient
qLHS Qini-based uplift regression
SimUplift Synthetic data for uplift modeling
SplitUplift Split data with respect to uplift distribution
summary.DualUplift Two-model estimator
UpliftPerCat Uplift barplot for categorical variables