Weighted, Two-Mode, and Longitudinal Networks Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘tnet’ version 3.0.16

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add_window_l Add smoothing window to a longitudinal network
as.static.tnet Transform a longitudinal network to a static edgelist network
as.tnet Ensures that networks conform to the tnet stardards
betweenness_w Betweenness centrality in a weighted network
celegans.n306.net The neural network of the Caenorhabditis elegans worm (c.elegans)
closeness_w Closeness centrality in a weighted network
clustering_local_tm Redefined local clusering coefficient for two-mode networks
clustering_local_w Barrat et al. (2004) generalised local clusering coefficient
clustering_tm Redefined clusering coefficient for two-mode networks
clustering_w Generalised clusering coefficient
compress_ids Remove non-active nodes from one-mode/two-mode/longitudinal networks
Cross.Parker.Consulting.net.info Intra-organisational networks
Cross.Parker.Consulting.net.value Intra-organisational networks
Cross.Parker.Consulting.node.gender Intra-organisational networks
Cross.Parker.Consulting.node.location Intra-organisational networks
Cross.Parker.Consulting.node.orglevel Intra-organisational networks
Cross.Parker.Consulting.node.region Intra-organisational networks
Cross.Parker.Manufacturing.net.aware Intra-organisational networks
Cross.Parker.Manufacturing.net.info Intra-organisational networks
Cross.Parker.Manufacturing.node.location Intra-organisational networks
Cross.Parker.Manufacturing.node.orglevel Intra-organisational networks
Cross.Parker.Manufacturing.node.tenure Intra-organisational networks
Davis.Southern.women.1mode.Cooccurance Davis' Southern Women network
Davis.Southern.women.1mode.Newman Davis' Southern Women network
Davis.Southern.women.2mode Davis' Southern Women network
degree_tm Degree centrality in a two-mode network
degree_w Degree centrality in a weighted network
dichotomise_tm Dichotomise a weighted two-mode network into a binary two-mode network
dichotomise_w Dichotomise a weighted one-mode network into a binary one-mode network
distance_tm Distance in a two-mode network
distance_w Distance in a weighted network
Freemans.EIES.net.1.n48 Freeman's EIES network data
Freemans.EIES.net.2.n48 Freeman's EIES network data
Freemans.EIES.net.3.n32 Freeman's EIES network data
Freemans.EIES.node.Citations.n32 Freeman's EIES network data
Freemans.EIES.node.Discipline.n32 Freeman's EIES network data
Freemans.EIES.node.Name.n32 Freeman's EIES network data
growth_l Identifies growth mechanisms responsible for tie generation in longitudinal networks
Newman.Condmat.95.99.net.1mode.wNewman Newman's condmat 95-99 network (two-mode structure)
Newman.Condmat.95.99.net.2mode Newman's condmat 95-99 network (two-mode structure)
OnlineSocialNetwork.n1899.lnet Facebook-like Online Social Network
OnlineSocialNetwork.n1899.net Facebook-like Online Social Network
projecting_tm Projecting binary and weighted two-mode networks onto weighted one-mode networks.
reinforcement_tm Reinforcement_tm
rg_reshuffling_l Reshuffling a longitudinal network
rg_reshuffling_tm Reshuffle of a binary two-mode network
rg_reshuffling_w Reshuffle of a weighted network
rg_tm Random binary and weighted two-mode network
rg_w Random weighted network generator
shrink_to_weighted_network Shrink a repetative edgelist into a weighted
symmetrise_w Symmetrise_w
tnet Collection of functions for analysing weighted networks, two-mode networks, and longitudinal networks
tnet_igraph Exports a tnet network to an igraph object
tnet_ucinet Exports a tnet network to a DL file for UCINET
USairport.n500.net The network among the 500 busiest US commercial airports.
weighted_richclub_local_w The weighted rich-club effect (local measure)
weighted_richclub_tm The weighted rich-club effect (two-mode networks)
weighted_richclub_w The weighted rich-club effect