tk_acf_diagnostics {timetk}R Documentation

Group-wise ACF, PACF, and CCF Data Preparation


The tk_acf_diagnostics() function provides a simple interface to detect Autocorrelation (ACF), Partial Autocorrelation (PACF), and Cross Correlation (CCF) of Lagged Predictors in one tibble. This function powers the plot_acf_diagnostics() visualization.


tk_acf_diagnostics(.data, .date_var, .value, .ccf_vars = NULL, .lags = 1000)



A data frame or tibble with numeric features (values) in descending chronological order


A column containing either date or date-time values


A numeric column with a value to have ACF and PACF calculations performed.


Additional features to perform Lag Cross Correlations (CCFs) versus the .value. Useful for evaluating external lagged regressors.


A seqence of one or more lags to evaluate.


Simplified ACF, PACF, & CCF

We are often interested in all 3 of these functions. Why not get all 3 at once? Now you can!

Lag Specification

Lags (.lags) can either be specified as:

Scales to Multiple Time Series with Groupes

The tk_acf_diagnostics() works with grouped_df's, meaning you can group your time series by one or more categorical columns with dplyr::group_by() and then apply tk_acf_diagnostics() to return group-wise lag diagnostics.

Special Note on Dots (...)

Unlike other plotting utilities, the ... arguments is NOT used for group-wise analysis. Rather, it's used for processing Cross Correlations (CCFs).

Use dplyr::group_by() for processing multiple time series groups.


A tibble or data.frame containing the autocorrelation, partial autocorrelation and cross correlation data.

See Also



# ACF, PACF, & CCF in 1 Data Frame
# - Get ACF & PACF for target (adjusted)
# - Get CCF between adjusted and volume and close
FANG %>%
    filter(symbol == "FB") %>%
    tk_acf_diagnostics(date, adjusted,                # ACF & PACF
                       .ccf_vars = c(volume, close),  # CCFs
                       .lags     = 500)

# Scale with groups using group_by()
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
    tk_acf_diagnostics(date, adjusted,
                       .ccf_vars = c(volume, close),
                       .lags     = "3 months")

# Apply Transformations
FANG %>%
    group_by(symbol) %>%
        date, diff_vec(adjusted),  # Apply differencing transformation
        .lags = 0:500

[Package timetk version 2.9.0 Index]